Outside My Window

Outside My Window ~ 7.5.09


Outside My Window…is cloudy and about 75 degrees.  I think we are at our forecasted high for the day.  They are predicting thunderstorms and rain….possibly one to two inches of rain.  It is a bit eerie…..the “quiet before the storm” eerie…..outside right now.  Kind of still, quiet ~ no activity in the neighborhood at the moment which adds to the eerie feeling as well.

I am thinking…I’m going to need a step-ladder to see my sunflowers if they keep growing like they have been.  The Lemon Queen sunflowers I received from the Great Sunflower Project are gigantic!  They grow at an amazing rate, especially lately.  The flowers are now beginning to form………but they are still green.  I’m hoping I have amazing yellow flowers by this time next week. 

I am thankful for…my little garden retreat in the backyard.  Nothing fancy, but it is a nice place to sit and relax.  Case in point……..last evening, Cailin and I went to Olive Garden for dinner ~ her treat, she had a gift card.  When we got home, I went out to sit in the backyard, thought to my self how relaxing the fountain sounded and promptly dozed off for about 45 minutes……..ahhhhh, relaxing.   8)

From the kitchen…a Palmero Primo ultra thin crust pizza for lunch.  Not sure what is happening for dinner right now….I can’t decide between something chicken or something seafood. 

I am creating…a better organized work and “store” area right at the moment.  It seems to be working…..I knew I would sooner or later get to a point when things would start to come together. 

I am going…to finish my housework after I send this off.  When I got up this morning I was in a cleaning mood so I jumped right in rather than posting this right away.  I plan on continuing with my quest in just a few minutes.  I’m also going to wish my step father, Bob, a very Happy Birthday today ~ with many more to come!  🙂

I am reading…nothing at the moment.  I haven’t taken the time to sit down and start a new book…..too many other coals in the fire that need attending to right now.

I am hoping…once and for all complete those confounded web pages.  Hmmm, is it me or does my frustration levels seem to increase each week I write about these.   I have them just about all complete and ready to publish.  I’m tweaking the website a bit……..removing some things, maybe adding a thing or two.   I’m also hoping everyone had a wonderful July 4th yesterday.

I am hearing…a movie Cailin is watching……..”Reign of Fire” stars Christian Bale (love his natural accent) and it is about dragons resurfacing during modern times.

Around the house…clutter to pick up in the living room, bills to pay, floors to vacuum and plants to water.  And of course, we are on bug watch………apparently last night while Cailin was up watching a movie, a rather large bug cruised across the living room floor.  Cailin doesn’t like bugs; she likes them even less than I do!  Bugs are an unfortunate side effect of living in southeast Virginia and our great bug hunter/killer (Alanna) was not home last night.  Anywho, I digress………in the wee hours, Calin came bursting through my bedroom door screaming and babbling almost incoherently that there was a bug, get up and get out there and kill it………..oh, did I mention I was sleeping very soundly because I had been asleep for a couple of hours.  My heart rate just recently settled down!  😯

Plans for the week include…I’m not thinking that far ahead right now to tell you the truth.  I would like to so some sewing this week, thus my concentrated effort on getting all the housework completed today.

One of my favorite things…chocolate chip cookie ice cream sandwiches.  I mean, who could ask for more….you have chocolate chip cookies with ice cream in the middle.  Yummy!

A picture I’d like to share with you…one of my developing sunflowers…..

Sunflower Beginnings

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