Outside My Window ~ 7.19.09
Outside My Window…is me. I’m sitting outside again this morning. At 8:30, it is 74 degrees, but it is humid. There is a slight breeze so that makes it better. Mostly sunny, with some random clouds floating overhead and blocking the sun momentarily. I have had my run…I can do 2.25 miles in about a half an hour now so I have decided I can run 3 miles on the weekends ~ after today. The weekly morning runs, well their length depends on what time I roll out of bed.
I am thinking…about entering my first bee data on The Great Sunflower Project web site later today. Yup, I watched bees yesterday. Actually it wasn’t too bad; I only danced away once, pleading with them not to sting me. I got some pretty good pictures while counting…….the bees are loving my sunflowers, and there are many. Yes, She Who Flees From Bugs, is braving the bees. If you would like to see the sunflower and bee photos I have posted so far, click here. Click on the photos to see a larger image, or select all sizes to see the original size.
I am thankful for…this breeze that is now blowing through the trees. We had some pretty intense weather on Friday afternoon…..a lot of rain, but the temps haven’t been as hot as they could be for this time of year. I saw something on the weather channel that said the East coast was in a “trough”, while the Northwest is rocking record high temps…..I saw Boise was something like 104 recently.
From the kitchen… pan grill a small, boneless chicken breast (split in half to create two thin fillets ~ one for you, share the other) in a little bit of olive oil, spice it up with a dash or two of garlic and lemon pepper seasoning, and use a grill press to keep it flat and thin….cook quickly until done, but be careful not to overcook. Add an egg, (over easy, medium or hard ~ however you like your eggs cooked actually), fruit of choice or some people prefer hash browned potatoes, and your beverage of choice……breakfast is served.
I am creating…digital photos from negatives. My very good friend, Carole from Denver (Hi Carole!) has let me borrow a device that allows you to transform your negatives or slides into digital prints. And it is so easy to use! Many thanks to her for allowing me to use this! Carole is also a photo enthusiast and is quite good……she takes some amazing photos.
I am going…to do some chores around the house for a bit today…..I am not going to sit on the computer and play with digital photos. This is my mantra for today.
I am reading…nothing at the moment. I don’t read as much in the summer as I do in the winter. Too much going on I suppose.
I am hoping…that robin comes back for a splash or two in my bird bath. I was sitting here beginning this when suddenly he was in the bird bath. We both just kind of froze and looked at each other; I said ‘holy crap’ and reached for my camera in my lap. I had to sit back to get a picture of him, he panicked and flew up to the fence. I did get some photos of him there, but the bird bath would have been cooler.
I am hearing…right now, the breeze blowing through the trees…my water fountain, a dog barking off in the distance, birds chirping and singing…..and I think maybe a lawn mower in the distance.
Around the house…laundry to wash and put away, clutter to pick up, bills to pay, houseplants to water…regular stuff.
Plans for the week include…nothing really planned. I will be working from home on Wednesday but other than that, it will be day to day.
One of my favorite things…is relaxing in my backyard this summer. It is very peaceful and relaxing here. I would say it was worth the effort this past spring.
A picture I’d like to share with you…one of my favorite bee photos. I took this at my local nursery one day last week……if you want to see the original size of this print, click here. It is best viewed at its original size.

One Comment
Gina Baynham
It sounds like a lovely relaxed morning, especially seeing the robin. I love robins and used to watch them in Mum and Dads garden in their bird bath. Your blog posts brought back lovely memories. If you manage to get a photo of your robin please blog it!