Outside My Window ~ 7.26.09
Outside My Window…is extremely warm and very humid. At 7:43 a.m., it was already 78F with 80% humidity. It is so oppressive outside I cut my run short. The combination of the heat and humidity made for a very hot run. And I’m sitting inside today….it was my intent to sit outside, but I thought I was never going to cool down so thought I better sit inside and do so today. Our forecasted high today is 95F with a chance of thunderstorms…..hmmm, with that much humidity outside right now, I’m not surprised.
I am thinking…about how hungry I am. I think part of the reason the heat and humidity took its toll on me this morning during my run is because I wasn’t properly nourished. I didn’t eat as well as I should have yesterday….I don’t think vanilla ice cream with walnuts counts as a healthy dinner. But it sure was good while I was eating it.
I am thankful for…air conditioning and fans on days like today! I noticed on the weather channel the folks in the Northwest are having record high temps…..upper 90’s and into the 100’s. Most of those people don’t have air conditioning because they rarely need it. I’m grateful for mine today.
From the kitchen…I haven’t decided what is coming from the kitchen today. Barbequed chicken sounds like a plan for dinner……with a nice garden salad.
I am creating…more digital images using some of the new actions I acquired from CoffeeShop. I posted one of my photos and talked about Rita earlier this week, but wanted to say again….if you have any interest in adding effects or editing your own photos, you really should check out some of the actions she offers ~ for free! Oh….she only writes them for PhotoShop, PhotoShop Elements and Lightroom though. Rita is a very talented lady with something for just about everyone…..check her site out.
I am going…to take Cailin to the mall today……stop by the Farmer’s Market for more veggie goodness…..and the never ending saga of keeping our tiny house picked up. Oh, and I have to repair the handle on our toilet……yes, I’m so looking forward to that task (she said with a lot of sarcasm in her voice).
I am reading…my new Mother Earth News magazine. Actually, I just got it yesterday so I have just scanned the cover but will be digesting each and every page very soon.
I am hoping…the little blue jays that came around yesterday come back. There must be a nest nearby because I saw a blue jay family yesterday…three smaller birds with a much larger bird. It may be the nest in my backyard tree but it is so high up I can’t tell what bird is using it. I think they must be close to leaving the nest because they aren’t that small, but you can tell they aren’t fully grown because of their coloring.
I am hearing…the ticking of my many clocks……….a room fan……..not quite as pleasant as when I was sitting outside, but much cooler!
Around the house…hmmmm, maybe we won’t talk about the “house”. Let’s just say I need to quit playing with digital images and spend a little more time “around the house”.
Plans for the week include…household chores, probably creating more digital fun, I need to get some more soap made, getting ready for our trip next month…….and at weeks end, my big girls 18th birthday! Yes, Alanna will be 18 on Saturday. I’m still finding it so hard to believe considering I haven’t aged that much since she was born!
One of my favorite things…is taking a road trip. Early next month we will be taking a road trip to see Dad and Lola and their new home in Catawba, South Carolina. I have never been to this area of the country so the trip itself will be something new and different. Bonus points = we get to spend time with the folks.
A picture I’d like to share with you…two photos for you today. The first one is of the three blue jays I saw yesterday. The photo is not as sharp as I would like because they were actually quite far away. I was at the max for my zoom……..and these little guys kept hopping all around!
And finally…………Sunset on the Warwick River. I took this photo Thursday evening at the boat docks by my mother’s house. This river runs near her home, down the Peninsula and finally feeding into the James River. The land mass you see is Fort Eustis Army Base.

One Comment
I love your sunset picture. It looks so peaceful. There is something magic about water that is very calming.