Red, White, Blue with a little bit of Yellow & Orange
Yippy Skippy….my largest tomato finally started turning red today! I was beginning to wonder if it was ever going to turn and at the same time deciding if there was such a thing as a healthy fried green tomato. We had another round of thunderstorms this afternoon and as I often do when I get home from work after a round of storms, I check to see if “everyone” survived in the garden. I was thrilled to see this flash of red on an otherwise green bush!
I applied CoffeeShop Vivid Action on this photo……yes, I’m still having way too much fun with these actions.
For my white selection, I have a photo of my moon flower. This flower is huge and like the plant, very similar to a morning glory except they bloom in the evening. Again using CoffeeShop Vivid Action…….
And for blue……..a photo of an adult Blue Jay. Try as I might, I’m having a hard time getting a really sharp photo of these birds…they hop all around. I liked this one because it highlights his pretty blue color. I used CoffeeShop Vivid Action and added a light vignette around the edges on this one…….
And of course……….we have to have yellow
I must say, the bees are getting feisty…..or maybe they are tired of me taking their photo. I had to dance away singing my sting prevention song a couple of times when I was taking these photos. She Who Fears Bugs (me) does not hang around when they start to buzz close around….and I have this theory that dancing away from them while I sing my “Bumbly Bee Don’t Sting Me” song, they won’t. So far it has worked.
I used CoffeeShop Orton Action with CoffeeShop Burn on one of my earlier day lily photos for orange…..
Until tomorrow…….

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We love our Bluejays :)!