Outside My Window ~ 8.2.09
Outside My Window…M*U*G*G*Y….overcast skies, temperature is around 79F right now and 85% humidity at 830. Our forecast for today is thunderstorms, some possibly severe. I ran my 3 miles this morning…..felt more like a swim with all the moisture in the air!!
I am thinking…about all the things I need to do before we leave on our trip. I have started a list of things to take with me and will be pulling our bags out so I can start packing a few things. It won’t be a long visit so won’t require too many things, but I tend to over-pack. Guess it is better to have too much of something than not enough.
I am thankful for…MapQuest. I love how you can pull up all kinds of maps for whatever area you desire. And they are on manageable sized paper instead of monster street maps that require a magnifying glass to read. Well, I guess I should say I need a magnifying glass to read them. With MapQuest, you can zoom in and get so much street detail…….makes it very handy when you are going to unfamiliar places.
From the kitchen…a glass of Blackberry Sage iced tea. As hot as I was after my run today, it is hitting the spot right now! Not sure what is on the menu for today…….but I’m sure it will include my brand, spanking new red tomatoes I picked from my plant. This plant wasn’t a massive tomato producer, but I’m happy I got something from it.
I am creating…editing more photos and working on an art journal. I have been working with the PhotoShop Element actions I got from CoffeeShop Free Actions web site. If you want to see some of my photos, you can visit my Flickr PhotoStream.
I am going…to Governor’s Land Two Rivers Country Club for brunch today. My former employer, Mr. Moore, and his wife invited us to join them today. I worked for Mr. Moore at Moore Realty for 15 years before his semi-retirement. That is when I moved on to the College of William and Mary. I still did some part-time work for him until this year when he finally fully retired. We maintain contact and I generally have lunch with them at least once or twice a month. On occasion, they will invite us to join them for brunch at the country club. It is very tra-la-la………and I’m not so much the country club type ~ but you can dress me up and take me places…..sometimes.
I am reading…maps and information on the area we will be visiting. Since I have never been to this area of the country, I’m looking forward to seeing a couple of sites during our short time there.
I am hoping…the weather cooperates for our road trip. It looks as if late afternoon rain could be a possibility, but we can work around that.
I am hearing…my fan……..the ticking of my many clocks……and an eerie silence outside. The clouds seem to be getting darker. We may be getting wet today.
Around the house…laundry, clutter to pick up, plants to water, things to pack for the trip.
Plans for the week include…did I mention we are taking a trip? We are looking forward to a visit with my father and step-mom this week.
One of my favorite things…is the feeling I get after my run. That point when you get to your destination and you finally stop, your body is flushed, your breathing still heavy, the feeling of the endorphins rushing through you as you walk your cool down walk while you tell yourself “job well done”. I remember when I was running a race once; it was a day much like today ~ except the sun was shining so that made it seem much hotter than it really was. I was running the annual Coast Guard 5k and there were some bystanders on the side of the road as we started off the race. I generally hang near the back of the pack because I’m not a speedster and as I ran past, I heard one of them comment “what is so fun about running?”. A lot of people probably think the same thing…….and I’m pretty sure I once thought that way myself. But once you start….it is so hard to stop……..and you understand what “is so fun about running”.
A picture I’d like to share with you…so many pictures, so little space. Wasn’t it Rod Stewart who once said “Every Picture Tells A Story”? Let’s see……..I will give you this shot of Dave’s Corner. Dave is an eccentric man that lived next door to Alanna’s boyfriend, Billy, until just recently. There is a dead end at their houses and at that location, Dave erected a white picket fence and has decorated it with his “treasures”. The stuffed animals he has placed there are for Billy’s family…….to protect them. He is a tremendous Elvis fan as well. Sadly, he was recently diagnosed with both untreatable brain and lung cancer and has since moved to a location where someone can care for him. Billy and his family visit him often…….and they have kept his fence as is, his treasures intact. This photo is a small sample of it…….