Road Trip ~ Part I
While it has been a month since I took my trip to South Carolina, I have yet to post my photos from the trip as I promised. I thought I should break it up into different posts because there are quite a few photos I would like to share with you.
When I planned the trip, I decided I wanted to take a road less traveled to the interstate. Well, actually the road is a four lane route and fairly well traveled, but it takes you through Suffolk, Franklin and Emporia. There are a few other smaller towns in between these that require you to slow down to 35 mph when you pass by their one stop light. I have always enjoyed taking this route rather than going to Richmond to connect to the major interstates. I like looking at the forests, the farmland, the old homes, the rural decay and the small towns. Here is a section of Route 58…..this was taken through the windshield so excuse any bug matter you may see. There isn’t a shortage of trees on this road.
I was driving as we left home, but my oldest daughter was chomping at the bit to drive so I pulled over in Emporia to relinquish the wheel to her. I may never take another road trip without her again. She did beautifully……and I realized I enjoy being a passenger! My happy driver…….
And a bored passenger………and over the shoulder shot from the front seat of my youngest so it is a little blurry……..
With Alanna at the wheel, we headed towards interstate 85. I was able to take a few photos while we went down the highway…….something I haven’t been able to do in the last ten years of traveling with the girls. Not too long after crossing into North Carolina, I took this photo……..
I really liked the way the sun seemed to be bursting from these clouds. The next photo was taken before we got to Durham, North Carolina as the sun was beginning to set.
While heading towards Greensboro, the sun was finally ready to set……..again, through the windshield………
The total trip took us about 7 hours, with Alanna driving all but about an hour and a half. It was quite dark by the time we got to Charlotte, which was about 20 miles north of our final destination in Catawba…….but I took another windshield photo anyway. If you look real close, you can see some of the buildings illuminated in the downtown area.
Tomorrow I will show you around the new homestead and the Catawba River.

Gina Baynham
My family think I am mad when I take photos through the car windscreen. I’m glad I’m not the only one. Also I just have to say that you must have an extremely clean car because your photos are missing the grey haze that mine have from the grim on the glass. I am looking forward to seeing more of your photos…
chocolate and whine
Love the sunset photos. Never would have guessed they were taken through your window.
That’s a wayyyyy cute picture of me. Cailin would just die if she saw that picture ;P . I had alot of fun on that trip with you mama, you made that trip 372490274305783659267598 times better.
I love you alotalotalot <3