Outside My Window

Outside My Window ~ 8.30.09

Outside My Window

Outside My Window…is a very warm and muggy Sunday morning, closing in on afternoon.  A bit of a late start this morning.  At 11:30 it is 82F with 71% humidity.  Not such a bad morning, if you don’t move while you are outside.  The Weather Channel is forecasting thunderstorms for today, tonight and rain tomorrow.  I have found myself wishing for cooler temps more often lately.  I look forward to the cooler mornings and evenings of fall.  I do not look forward to the nor’easters that follow.  What is this odd language she speaks you ask…….this nor’easter.   Well, a nor’easter is kind of like summer’s tropical systems, except not so much tropical, think cold northeast winds.  And like their summer counterparts, they can move real slow and dump days and days of rain accompanied by strong, northeast (equals cold) winds.  They generally develop on or off the coast of the mid-Atlantic.  Yes, it can be nasty….and sometimes if the stars are just so aligned, we will get many inches of snow from these systems.  Here endith the weather lesson.   🙂

I am thinking…how OCD these people look on the labeler commercials.  Perhaps you haven’t seen one…I just caught it on the weather channel.  In case you haven’t, they show happy family in their kitchen…open the cabinet and every freaking thing in the cabinet is in plastic containers and has a label on it.  Cue next family scene…again, everything is labeled….and on and on.  I had to chuckle and think this is an obsessive compulsive organizer’s dream commercial.   Now, no harm or foul to any organizer who may not be chuckling….. in fact, I admire your abilities to control this nightmare of life called paperwork and clutter.

I am thankful for…another miss on a hurricane that formed in the Atlantic.  But oh, look….another low pressure is forming in just the right spot in the Atlantic.  And we begin again……but it could be worse right now, as in California burning.  Those fires look pretty scary to me.

From the kitchen…is Fresh Market coffee right at the moment.  I’m still debating on what is to follow…..I promised Cailin nachos sometime this weekend…..yummmm, with lots of jalapeños.  I think I just convinced myself.   🙂

I am creating…more photo edits.  I have been learning a lot by visiting other places that feature photographs and offer tips.

I am going…to continue my quest to de-clutter.  It was never my intent to stay in our little home as long as we have…….but circumstances changed in my life’s plan and here we live. My little girls have grown into young women……..and we are bursting at the seams.  I love this little place….it suits me; it will be perfect for me once both girls move out.  However, many years have passed since I moved in and some things have to go.  When it is time to move, you realize just how much you have accumulated over the years…..well, I’m not moving, but I need to pretend I am so I can de-clutter. 

I am reading…not so much lately.  I have been running on “tired” this past week and if I started to read, I would probably get one sentence in before dozing off. 

I am hoping…to finish my to-do list today.  I’m also hoping things slack up at work sometime soon….I have been slammed since the new year began on July 1st.

I am hearing…the ticking of my many clocks….and airplane flying over in the distance…..and silence.  Very quiet in the house right now.

Around the house…laundry….paid bills to file ~ I have decided I’m going to get a flash drive and begin scanning these.  My daughter’s school sells them for next to nothing as a way to raise funds for the school.  I could probably fit quite a bit on one of those and get rid of the filing cabinet.

Plans for the week include…more organizing, time with my family, photo editing, maybe try a couple of new recipes……life in general.

One of my favorite things…is waking up very early; driving to the beach and watching the sun come up over the water.  I feel the need to re-nourish my being with such a morning very soon.

A picture I’d like to share with you…the College of William and Mary was chartered on February 8th, 1693.  It is the second oldest college in the United States.  It actually would have been the first with plans for the college under way as early as 1618…..however, the natives got restless and plans had to be put on hold.  Several of the country’s founding fathers attended William and Mary.  The entire campus is amazing and very beautiful, but I really enjoy the historic campus.  It isn’t a bad place to work at each day.  This is a photo I took of the top of the Wren Building…..this is a quote from the site about the Wren…..click photo for a larger view.

“Workers began construction on the Sir Christopher Wren Building, and then known simply as the College Building in 1695, before the town of Williamsburg even existed. Over the next two centuries, the Wren Building would burn on three separate occasions, each time being re-built inside the original walls. That makes the Wren the oldest college building in America, and possibly the most flammable.”

Top of the Wren

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