I remember…..

I remember……..driving to work that bright, sunny day.
I remember……..listening to the radio as they talked about a horrible accident ~ a plane had hit the World Trade Center, North Tower.
I remember…..arriving at the office and telling everyone to turn on the television in the conference room, there had been an accident.
I remember…..watching in horror as the second plane deliberately flew into the South Tower and it exploded into flames.
I remember…..being afraid by all the events of the day.
I remember…..wondering how in the world they would ever put those fires out….only to witness immediately after my thought the South Tower collasping and then the North Tower a short time later as tears fell from my eyes.
I remember…..the people appearing out of the building ash in a daze…..confused…..scared.
I remember…..explaining to my then 10 and 7 year old daughters what had happened that day.
I remember…..my heart breaking when they asked me how would they be able to call and say goodbye to me if a terrorist tried to crash their plane when they flew to visit their father in Colorado the next time….and later I cried for of all the people who didn’t have the opportunity to say goodbye that day to their loved ones.
I remember……..because I can’t forget…..

I remember being pregnant with my third daughter, chatting on a pregnancy site when someone said, “Hey! A plane flew into the Twin Towers!” I thought it was a joke until I turned on the t.v. I instantly drove to pick up my 5 year old from Kindergarten and called my husband, terrified of what could happen next. I remember the sadness and fear being replaced by white hot anger and the desire for revenge, and wondering what kind of world my girls and my friends children would have to grow up in. I think about that day any time I get on a plane now.
Tracey of Nine Acres
Very powerful. I remember holding my kids (4 and 2) and wondering what this meant for their lives. So far it has meant growing up in country at war.
Thanks for sharing.