Outside My Window ~ 9.27.09
Outside My Window…are the remnants of a morning shower. I woke up to rain, which allowed me to roll over and sleep a bit longer. It is 72F at 10:30 this morning. I believe we are finished with the rain showers and will spend the rest of the day under cloudy skies. Temperatures have been unseasonably cool the last few days, but we will get up to the 80’s today and tomorrow. Temps will then drop back down to the low 70’s for the remainder of the week with sunshine. If all goes as forecasted, we should have a very nice week. I have noticed some of the trees are beginning to turn….looking forward to seeing all the brilliant colors of fall.
I am thinking…of a blog post I read this morning. Jennifer from A Little Precious talks about Stolen From His Mother, a story about Philomena and the child she was forced to give up three years after giving birth to him. Click either one of these links to see her post and to read the full article. Fair warning, this story may haunt you….it is definitely heartbreaking….but it is well worth reading.
I am thankful for…the website finally coming together again. As I said, the program I’m using generally works very well for me…….but this time, something horrible went wrong. I still have many of the old pages from the site, but the newer ones I had worked so long on just sort of vanished. Well, let me say the pages are still there…..they are just blank. I sat here for a long time and thought “this can not be” and closed and reopened them several times. And yes, no matter how many times I opened and closed them, they were still blank. So the reconstructing has begun and is just about complete. I’m still not sure what I did that made them go blank, but I’m being very, very careful as I reconstruct so it does not happen again. I was going to open back up with some new, some old……but decided I didn’t want to do that…..that little “professional looking” thing comes up again.
From the kitchen…coffee right now and later ~ you know I’m really craving some fried chicken and mashed potatoes. I know who craves fried chicken and mashed potatoes right? Chocolate, ice cream, candy……I can understand, but fried chicken and mashed potatoes? I guess I’m weird that way.
I am creating…the finishing touches on my web site…..woooo hoooo. And some soap and body creams….since I am opening up the web site again, I need to make more soap and creams. There won’t be much available when I open back up because I was out of production for the summer but come the middle/end of October, I should be back in full stock (she said hopefully). Just in time for Christmas gifts!
I am going…to continue to work on my site and not stress on the time it takes. I’m thinking better slow than blank pages. I think I was rushing too much before and did something I shouldn’t have (obviously!)…….so, taking my time, getting it right and not stressing.
I am reading…my H. G. Wells book of seven novels. I haven’t spent too much time this week on the book because of other obligations. I peek at it here and there….but haven’t gotten into a “I can’t put this down” session lately.
I am hoping…again, for the obvious….that I get the site up and running again very soon. I really don’t like it when I have something like this hanging over my head. It runs through my mind all the time and I would rather be at a point where I only have to go into it once in a while for maintenance.
I am hearing…the ticking of my many clocks and the weather channel. Wow…..the flooding that has occurred in the Southeast is amazing. I think it was this time last year they were talking about how extreme the drought was in that area and how low the reservoirs were. Now there is massive flooding….. but fortunately better weather is coming their way.
Around the house…laundry, clutter to pick up, dishes to wash, fried chicken to make!
Plans for the week include…finishing the web site, making soap and creams, processing photos and posting them on Flickr.
One of my favorite things…is thumbing through old photo albums. I love to sit and look through old photos of my grandparents, my parents, my children……even old photos of me when I was younger. It brings back so many great memories of people you haven’t seen in some time, or remembering those people in your life when they were much younger.
A picture I’d like to share with you…I took this photo at my favorite spot….the boat dock near my mother’s house. My oldest daughter told me I need to find another place….but why when I can get shots like this? The sky looked almost as if it was on fire…..thus the name, “Sky on Fire”…..

I have had a hankering for fried chicken lately myself. Weird people seem to attract the like, eh?
Beautiful photo Debbie. I am a sucker for sky and clouds at sunset. Add a bit of shimmering water and I am in heaven!
Magikal Folk
I am truly a sucker for the sky, clouds and sunsets……you should see my harddrive!
I hope to get a few more sunrises over the bay in the near future……but then that requires me to roll out of bed at dark o’clock on a weekend. Guess I’m not that anxious to have one yet! 
Morning Debbie, thank you for linking to that article, ‘to appreciate the future we must understand the past’ it doesn’t matter whose past either, we are continually learning.
When I first discovered your blog you struck a chord with me because we share the ‘website woes’ but I think you may have given me the encouragement to keep going and get it finished!
I’m a sucker for sunrise and sunset too, I never get bored with them. Off to be shamelessly impessed and envious of your gallery. Have a wonderful day.
Magikal Folk
You are quite welcome Jennifer….I felt that story needed to be shared with as many people as possible.
Oh, I can certainly understand website woes…….but so glad I encouraged you to finish yours. Be sure to let me know when it is complete….I would love to see it.