Oh Christmas Tree……
I’m home today……..my youngest daughter is not feeling well. She was running a fever this morning and said she had awaken earlier in the morning with chills. She is old enough to stay alone if she wants to, but this morning she said she didn’t want to be alone today. It was my first clue that she really doesn’t feel good, so off came my work clothes and made the call to my supervisor.
I took the opportunity to get some photos of our Christmas tree. This tree was purchased by my dearest friend David (from California) when he visited one year. It was during the Thanksgiving holidays and I brought my trusty old tree down from the attic only to discover several of the branches had broken. I was heartbroken ~ but David saved the day and surprised me with this beautiful tree.
When my children were smaller, we would decorate with all the ornaments I bought when they were little. Now they are older, those decorations are now packed lovingly away…waiting to one day decorate their own trees in their own homes.
Every year each employee in our department receives a beautiful poinsettia from the Nursery. The gentleman that grows these from seedlings really knows what he is doing……we have never been disappointed with his talents. They generally have red, white and a new color combination each year. I always pick a white one.
Here is a close up of some of our ornaments…..
This is the ballerina ornament Alanna received when she attended a performance of “The Nutcracker” years ago with her cousin……
Here a few more on the tree…..
And a reminder of our vacation to California and Disneyland one year….
Me and Tink have a lot in common…..we can both work magic. She can make a castle sparkle….I can decorate a simple Christmas tree and make my kids smile.
However you celebrate….always believe in the magic!

Your tree is so gorgeous!! Makes mine look like it belongs to Charlie Brown or something lol.
Magikal Folk
Awww, Penny…..don’t ya know, even Charlie Brown’s tree was beautiful!
Thanks for the compliment.
Brittany E.
Your tree is so beautiful! I struggled and struggled to get good pictures of my tree, and you pulled it off no problem. Amazing.
Magikal Folk
Thanks Brittany! I thought your tree photo was beautiful. I used my tripod and took them during the day ` I have problems getting a decent photo at night. It probably helps that I have the white lights on the tree too.