Outside My Window ~ 12.20.09
Outside My Window…is snow! We got our first snow of the season last night. I would say we got about 1 1/2 to 2 inches in my neighborhood. It started snowing about the time we went to the mall to pick Alanna up from work. By the time we got to our house, it was coming down at a pretty good rate. Right now at 11:30 am, we are at our high temperature of 37F with a 28F wind chill. The snow has melted for the most part on the roadways and is starting to melt in the grassy areas of full sun. I took a few photos last night and this morning ~ I know, shocking…I took photos!
I am thinking…or perhaps remembering the Christmas morning when my daughters were very young and couldn’t get out of their bedroom because the door wouldn’t open. I suppose the door knob was wearing out for some time and when they woke up to see what Santa had brought them, the knob just spun around ~ it wouldn’t open. They were beating on their door crying “mom, mom, let us out….it’s Christmas morning and we want to see what Santa brought”. After I woke up and realized what was up, of course I had some fun with them by exclaiming my excitement at all the wonderful gifts Santa had left as I was looking for some tools to take the knob off. That made them even more impatient as they yelled to stop looking at the goodies and hurry up with the door. I was laughing so hard it was difficult to get the knob off. That was the oddest start to a Christmas for us.
I am thankful for…ice free roads this morning. By the time we left to take Alanna to work today, the roads were very slushy. I would much rather drive in slush than ice.
From the kitchen…to be honest, I have no idea what will be coming from there today. This morning it was everyone for themselves ~ what will be happening later today, not a clue.
I am creating…reusable produce bags. I saw a small write up in Mother Earth News about making reusable produce bags and thought why not. I have reusable grocery bags, makes sense to have the produce bags too. I’m creating mine out of sheer curtains….the cashier needs to see the produce so you should use sheers or tulle netting. Use a lightweight ribbon to secure the bag…you don’t want something too heavy because it will add weight to your purchase.
I am going…to enjoy this vacation and not stress out if something I had planned to do does not get accomplished. I will repeat this mantra as often as necessary.
I am reading…nothing at the moment. My reading mood has officially left the building until probably after Christmas.
I am hoping…that everyone has a wonderful Christmas ~ and that Santa brings you exactly what you wanted.
I am hearing…the ticking of my many clocks…….my wind chimes singing outside…..a Steve Martin movie on television. He makes me laugh.
Around the house…is a mess! Clutter, clutter everywhere. I need to do some serious tidying up today.
Plans for the week include…to finish Christmas shopping….renewing my driver’s license……wrapping gifts……making some holiday goodies……celebrating my birthday and Christmas. Yes, I was a Christmas baby…..so if you never knew anyone born on Christmas day ~ you do now.
One of my favorite things…is the holidays. It is my birthday and Christmas, which holds some of the best memories for me. I can remember my excitement when I was small. I thought I would explode waiting for Christmas to arrive. And then I had my daughters and this day took on a new meaning for me. The looks on their faces on Christmas morning is something I look forward to. And P.S…..did I mention I’m on vacation.
A picture I’d like to share with you…not one, not two……but several. OK, so I got a little excited…but first snow!! These first few were taken last night after it had started to snow…..
I took this next one through the blinds while on the couch watching the Wizard of Oz. I love how the lights twinkled all by themselves in this photo…
Snow covered pansies this morning…….
These two were from my holly bush….

One Comment
Tracey of Nine Acres
Gorgeous images. We got 2-2.5 feet of snow! I laughed at your door knob story…just hysterical!