Life In General,  Miscellaneous

A New Year

The year 2009 is a memory.  Was it a good year….a bad year….many people will be debating that question in the months and possibly years to come.  Now there is a New Year…a new decade…a new beginning.  Each new year brings a clean slate ~ a chance to start fresh, begin new things, forget bad habits, improve yourself and your life.  Resolutions are made and everything is within reach on this first day of the shiny New Year. 

I enjoy numerology so on this first day of January, I determined what my personal year is and its influence.  In numerology, the world turns in nine year cycles….in 2010, my personal year is a four…..

 Concentrate on building up your resources and personal and family securities.  Also favorable for focusing on study and working hard towards a goal.

 Interestingly enough, I had already decided last month ~ before calculating my personal year ~ to embark on 101 days of learning.  I was also considering attempting a 365 on my blog.  My friend Tracey,  These Nine Acres ~ is doing a 365 Photography Project.  As I read her opening post about her decision to do this project, it became clear to me what I wanted to do.  To me, it was about making a commitment to yourself…focus and simplifying.  I need more focus; to simplify things so I have the time to do what I love to do, be with the people I love to be with….and perhaps committing myself to this type of challenge will help me achieve that?  I think I will give it a shot.   🙂

 I haven’t made any resolutions, I have made promises to try to do things better this year.  I have a list of things I want to improve, things I’m currently doing but want to do better.  If I had to pick one thing to highlight today, it would be to spend more time with loved ones.  Yes, like many people, time is often short and a precious commodity in my life.  But this may also be time I may never get back with some of the people I love.  I don’t want to look back with regret and wished I had spent more time with them when I had the chance. 

 A New Year….a clean slate…..I’m looking forward to making this year one I can look back on with a smile of accomplishment.  Shall we begin?  😉

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  • chocolate and whine

    Happy New Year! I was also thinking of starting project 365, but I tried it once and it didn’t go so well. I wonder what it is about me that immediately balks at doing anything that I’m suddenly required or obligated to do. Sigh. Well, I suppose I still have a few hours left to decide if I want to give it another try. (Already, it makes me anxious.) Anyway, have a wonderful 2010!

  • Gina

    Happy New Year!

    I hope that whatever you hope for in 2010 comes true. Aiming to do things a bit better than before seems a tangible yet possible to accomplish goal.

    I look forward to seeing how you could possible better the writing or the photography here….

    Maybe you have set yourself up an impossible challenge!

    Have fun trying,


  • Brittany E.

    I always get really excited about the new year, it just feels full of new possibilities (as cheesy as that sounds)! I started a 365 once, but failed miserably. But I would love to follow along as you do it. 🙂 Good luck my friend!

  • Jennifer

    Happy New Year to you and your family Debbie – hope you’ve survived the madness and are now looking forward to all things new, bright and hopeful. xxx

    Loved your post!