Thanks Reba and Lacey!
Wouldn’t you love to have farm fresh eggs available to you? A couple of months ago a friend at work offered me just that. He and his wife had purchased some land and built a house a couple of years ago. In the fall of last year, they decided to add chickens to the mix. And with chickens, you hope to get eggs…..they were not disappointed.
But the eggs kept coming….quicker than he or his wife could eat them. So they each went in to work one day and asked their friends if anyone would be interested in free eggs from free roaming, organically fed chickens. The only stipulation, you had to bring your own egg carton. I jumped at the chance and was able to bring one in right away because I keep old egg cartons. Not for this purpose mind you, but because the organic eggs I buy from the store come in Styrofoam containers….and somehow that bugs me because if you are going to go organic, why in the world would you package in Styrofoam (which is one of the worst packaging inventions ever). So I take them out of the Styrofoam and put them in regular egg cartons. Ok I realize have a bit of a problem with that so let’s move back to topic before you decide I’m truly nuts and leave me.
I label my carton with my name and include “their last name” Farm Eggs. The next day, I am presented with these beauties……
….clean, fresh farm eggs ~ no more than a day old and in my hands. And oh so delicious. I love brown eggs…..have ever since I was a little girl visiting my grandparents farm. I use to help collect the eggs when I would visit in the summer. I even had a chicken to call my very own…..her name was Pete ~ yea, I don’t know where that name came from but I was little so I suppose it sounded right to me at the time. I don’t remember if I ever got to eat an egg that Pete had laid, but I do know who laid these beauties…..they came autographed!