Outside My Window ~ 1.24.10
Outside My Window…is a cloudy afternoon around 2:15 pm, and about 65ºF. I believe we have a forecast for rain this evening, rain and wind tomorrow. The temperature is wonderful out, first time in a long time I have been able to go outside without a jacket….comfortably anyway. There was sun shine when I woke up, but the clouds quickly took over around noon.
I am thinking…about the drive earlier today. I took Cailin out again and happy to report there is good progress. Today we drove for about an hour and a half and approximately 50 miles. We began at Newport News Park and headed north to Williamsburg, drove the Parkway and then back to our starting point. She wanted more so we headed off towards Yorktown. Today she drove with more traffic interaction and at higher speeds the previously. There were two or three hair raising moments, but all in all she is doing pretty good.
I am thankful for…this wonderful day. I was happy to go outside and fill the bird feeders….without my teeth chattering. The weather hasn’t been really awful recently, but the warmer temps today are wonderful. Kind of like a sneak peek of spring.
From the kitchen…leftover pinto beans, cornbread and bar-b-que chicken from dinner last night is for my late lunch. I may do something pasta tonight. And of course, there are still some triple chocolate brownies I made yesterday that I can have for dessert.
I am creating…a photo disk for my sister ~ yes, I do believe I have finally finished! I’m working on a few photo projects for myself and trying to get my uploads on Flickr up to date. Once I get caught up, I think it will be easier to stay on top of it…….that is my hope anyway.
I am going…to reorganize my work area so I can move my all- in-one printer from my bedroom to, well….the work area. At one time, I did most of my work in my bedroom so it made sense then….not so much now. This move will also allow the girls to use it more often as well.
I am reading…not so much right now. I’m still discovering all the secrets within the PSE7 book by Scott Kelby. I have enjoyed experimenting and processing my images with Camera Raw…..still a lot to learn, but enjoying the discovery process.
I am hoping…that once I get my printer moved, I will be able to get a stack of photos scanned.
I am hearing…my youngest daughter typing on her computer……the ticking of my many clocks……a movie on television. The sounds of late afternoon differ greatly from early morning…not so much quiet.
Around the house…laundry to finish…..dishes to put away….plants to water….same ole stuff, different day.
Plans for the week include…a dentist appointment and more practice driving for Cailin….and I get to work from home tomorrow!
One of my favorite things…is lazy weekends. I did get some things accomplished but for the most part, it has been a fairly lazy weekend. Yes, chores that could have been done….but sometimes you just need a lazy weekend.
A picture I’d like to share with you…a simple photo today….there is something about the colors in this that I really like.

Brittany E.
That is awesome that you are teaching your daughter to drive yourself. My mom was a nervous wreck and I was a nervous wreck and we realized that we are incompatible. ha. So I always find it impressive when someone can learn from a parent. Foreign concept for me.
Nice to have these little glimpses into your life Debbie, we’re very privileged. I’m just imagining that first time Cailin goes off in that car for the first time on her own…scary!
Lovely vibrant shot – you should sell that one, I love it.