Outside My Window

Outside My Window ~ 3.14.10

Outside My Window…is a cloudy and dark evening.  I’m a bit late today but thought I would change it up some and do one in the evening.  I was on a roll this morning, the weather was decent and I took advantage of it to get some things done outside.  Of course, we have had rain since Thursday so it was pretty wet but I did manage to get a few weeds pulled.  Most of my outside time was spent cleaning out the shed.  I had made a note to do that as soon as possible ever since the night I had to go check a breaker and almost couldn’t get to the breaker box because of all the junk in the way.  Fortunately, today’s rain held off until late afternoon so I was able to get it accomplished.  Our temps have dropped since the rain came but we will warm back up tomorrow.   

I am thinking…about some of the flowers I would like to plant this year.  I’m a little bit limited in the backyard because of the shade, but there are quite a few flowers you can get that enjoy partial sun.  I’m also going to be participating in the Great Sunflower Project again this year so I will be planting Lemon Queen sunflowers soon.

I am thankful for…Advil.  My foot is bothering me this evening after being on it all day….without proper arch support.  I can’t help it….I’m a barefoot gal and it bothers me to wear shoes all the time.  But then, I get to the end of the day and my foot is killing me….I need to wear shoes….all the time.  What I can’t figure out, how come I can run miles and never feel this pain…but let me stand on it all day and I want to weep like a baby. 

From the kitchen…is an “everybody for themselves” night.  For those not in the know, that means we fend for ourselves.  Whoever wants the leftovers can go for it….or maybe a sandwich…soup….anything they want.  I’m not inclined to stand and cook this evening. 

I am creating…other than working on DVD transfers and scanning my old photos, I’m not so much into creating at the moment. 

I am going…to go lay down as soon as I finish this tonight.  The time change and springing forward really takes a bit for me to adapt to and I know that alarm is going to go off so very early in the morning.

I am reading…some interesting new photography blogs I found recently.  I will share them in a coming post.

I am hoping…my foot doesn’t keep me awake this evening.  And it is my hope that it isn’t raining in the morning.  I have stayed away from the television all weekend so I have no clue what the forecast is.  I think I will wait and be surprised in the morning.

I am hearing…the dryer running…….”Steel Magnolias” DVD on television…..and I can’t hear my clocks ticking over all this other noise.  🙂

Around the house…not so much clutter as there was this morning…..clothes to be put away…..stacks of my old photos waiting their turn on the scanner.

Plans for the week include…continue scanning my photos…..do a continuation on my “33 Years Ago” post….plan a new yoga routine that I can do in the evening.

One of my favorite things…is being with my daughters.  Last night I took my youngest, my oldest and her boyfriend out to dinner at PF Chang’s. I had a gift card burning a hole in my pocket.  🙂   In case you aren’t familiar with this restaurant, it is a fabulous Chinese restaurant.  If you have one in your area and haven’t been….you must go!  I highly recommend it.  We had a great time eating, laughing and enjoying ourselves.  I didn’t take my camera ~ I Know ~ but my oldest did have hers so we were able to get a few photos while we were there.  Unfortunately she has not given them to me yet so I can’t share them with you….but soon. 

A picture I’d like to share with you…I can relate to this guy sometimes.  The Loner…..

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One Comment

  • Gina

    I think I started reading your blog about the time you were showing photos of your sunflowers. I remember talking about you to my kids and calling you “The sunflower lady” !!!!

    Looking forward to this years sunflower photos!