Say It Isn’t So….

A possible subtropical system developing off the coast…say it isn’t so! I’m really not ready for the season to begin….not just yet please. It feels subtropical outside. I went outside this morning to do a few things and I can honestly say I was glad I didn’t have to work outside today….it was miserable. The air was quite thick and heavy all day and continues into this evening.
The air is filled with the intoxicating scent of jasmine tonight. The bushes are in full bloom, their flowers are filling the night air. Thunderstorms are expected later tonight ~ hopefully not the crashing and exploding kind. I wouldn’t mind a little rumbling thunder with rain….just a little though.

The Married One and the Son-in-Law are honeymooning in Myrtle Beach and the weather is supposed to be terrible. But I mentioned to them that for the first couple of days I didn’t think that they would care that they had to be inside…..
Magikal Folk
Too funny Debbie!! Young love…..I remember it well. I wonder if they will even notice if it is raining outside!
I hope you survive the nasty weather! Time to invest in some earplugs…?!