Outside My Window ~ 5.23.10
Outside My Window…is cloudy and humid. The air is so heavy right now ~ I’m expecting a downpour any second. We did get one earlier this afternoon….around noon there were rumbles of thunder and pouring rain. But not for long…one of those days.
I am thinking…about the telephone call to Verizon this morning to report my telephone out of service. I have no dial tone and after checking the outside telephone plug, I have determined it is a problem on their end, not mine. You know how even though you have paid your bill, your first thought is ‘I’ve been disconnected”. Not so…just dead, dead, dead. So I do what they say, I telephone the company and I’m told by the computer the first available date is June 3rd. Say What!! Eleven days away is as soon as you can come check out my telephone!! When they ask me to confirm, I ask for customer service. The individual that answered ~ in Washington DC which isn’t so close to where I live by the way ~ tells me that they have been getting so many calls the computer just zooms way ahead in time, it will probably be sooner. However, she can not tell me when the sooner will be. Basically, I’m dead in the water when it comes to my computer because I’m on DSL, which goes through my telephone line. I’m using a local WiFi connection for this post….the signal is fair, and sometimes it doesn’t last so I’m quickly trying to get this posted. You know what else I thought ~ how this was going to break my ‘post a day’ streak if I couldn’t get online. I wasn’t worried about not receiving calls…shows how little I use the actual telephone.
I am thankful for…this little WiFi connection.
From the kitchen…not so much today. We had dinner at my mother’s house to celebrate my younger brother’s birthday. It was wonderful because many of his favorites are mine too! By the way…..dinner is served at lunch time, supper is served in the evening. Don’t ask, that is just the way it has always been in my family. I can remember my grandmother called it the same thing. Maybe a farm thing?
I am hoping…that the Verizon computer is way off kilter and it doesn’t take that long to fix my land line. I had to tell the customer service agent that I have companies calling me all the time to offer me telephone service, but I always decline because I have always had good success with Verizon…..now I’m beginning to wonder.
I am hearing…the ticking of my many clocks……the end of the wash cycle……a scary movie on television and since it is on regular television ~ it isn’t quite as scary.
Around the house…catching up on the housework I was slacking on during the outside projects……laundry to finish…..inside plants to water. Oh and when I opened my blinds to the backyard today, I saw a little bitty possum running around. It is like a freaking wild kingdom out there lately….raccoons, snakes, possum ~ what next?
Plans for the week include…finishing my housework….and apparantly since I am without telephone service for what appears to be an unreasonable amount of time, posting from work during my lunch hour. Perhaps I will take some time to write a WTH letter to Verizon!
A picture I’d like to share with you…short and sweet since I’m not on my regular connection. My day lilies are beginning to bloom….

Hope you get back on-line soon. Glad you found a way to keep posting to your blog!
Brittany E.
We don’t even have a home phone anymore, just our cellphones! It just didn’t seem like it was worth it to have two bills. BTW, I go through severe withdrawals when my internet goes out, which it does often for a few hours because the router is next door with our duplex neighbor. When it happens, I just miss posting and reading blogs! Blogs/Blogging is totally my addiction. So I feel you.