Outside My Window ~ 6.20.10
Outside My Window…is sunshine and heat. Our temperature at 8:15 this morning is 79ºF but feels like 83ºF. The forecast high is 94ºF for today with plenty of sunshine. Our average for this time of year is 82ºF. It is once again quite muggy outside so unless you are sitting on a beach, you are going to be fairly miserable with this heat. While the beach sometimes offers you nice breezes….that may not be the case today since the winds are from the southwest and are pretty non-existent. And while we aren’t breaking any records quite yet, the temperatures have been quite high for the past several days. We could use some rain to cool us down and water all the drying plant life.
I am thinking…I picked the worst time ever to try to start running again. As soon as I made my decision to give it a try, the temperatures became quite hot. You may think I could go early in the morning but even if I ran right now, it would be quite hot. I once read when dressing for a run, you need to dress as if it was 20º warmer than the outside temperature. So if I were to go for a run right now, I would have to dress as if it were 99º….even when I was running each and every day, days like today would be fairly miserable in terms of heat. While I have run plenty of times when it was hotter than it is this morning, I was also in better condition than I am right now. I think I will wait for a break in the heat ~ I don’t want to create any new problems.
I am thankful for…the fact that I can wish both my father and my step-father a Happy Father’s Day today.
From the kitchen…is French Vanilla coffee in the coffee maker. I can drink coffee on hot days as long as I don’t go outside and get hot prior to drinking it. Once that happens, no way I can drink a hot beverage. Today I will be preparing some bread and salad as my contribution for dinner at my mother’s house today. I haven’t thought much past that right now.
I am going…to finish up the graduation gifts I am making. I have quite a few photographs to process from the graduation party I attended but they will have to wait another day.
I am hoping…to finish up my Creativity Boot Camp project this week. I got behind on the daily prompts but the beauty of this is you can work at your own pace if necessary. Once I get everything together, I will show you my images. If anyone is interested, you can still participate in this…..while you won’t receive them daily, all the prompts are available for another month if you click the boot camp link. This is not just for photographers….any creative outlet you enjoy can be used.
I am hearing…bird songs outside the living room windows…..the ticking of my many clocks….a quiet house.
Around the house…clutter around my desk……papers to file or recycle…..laundry (of course)….more pictures to scan.
Plans for the week include…an eye doctor appointment for my youngest….wrapping up the fiscal year at work….and a couple of days at Nags Head with my brother and his family ~ woo hoo! They have rented a beach house for this next week and graciously invited me and the girls to come down for a long weekend. Unfortunately, because I’m wrapping up the fiscal year, I won’t be to take off until Friday at lunch, but I’m there after that! It has been a long time since I went to the Outer Banks, I’m looking forward to it. Of course I will have photos when I get back.
One of my favorite things…summer days….while not quite as hot as they have been recently, I love the feel of lazy, summer days.
A picture I’d like to share with you…a photo of the most important men in my life….my dad and my step-dad. Without them, I would not be who or where I am today. I love you both…so very much. Happy Father’s Day Dad and Bob!

How lovely to have such a good photo of your Dad from when you were a baby. You look like a doll!
Good luck with your running. I think you are very mad, sorry motivated, to be getting fit in such heat.
What a great read and what great photos too. Cheers.