Remember this…..my beautiful, almost ripe tomato? The one I was so patiently waiting to fully ripen so I could enjoy tomato-ey goodness….my very first ripe tomato of the season. I could taste it…..it was going to be perfect. So I head outside to get my little red beauty….my perfectly ripened tasty wonder. I reach down to pluck it off the vine and feel something not quite right on the back side…..so I turn it around and……
……something beat me to it!!!!!
And that just sucks.

Raccoon, the scourge of the tomato patch.
Magikal Folk
I didn’t even think of a raccoon…but I bet it was. I have caught them hanging out there more than once.
Oh No!!!!
How annoying. Were you able to cut off the nibbled side and rescue the other or am I being too optimistic…?!
Magikal Folk
No….I decided since I didn’t know what nibbled, I didn’t want to share with it.
Apparently something else was eyeballing that tomato too! I’m sorry :(.
6512 and growing
So close…