Miscellaneous,  Road Trips

Outer Banks

I am spending some time with my brother’s family

in a house they rented at Nags Head,

a wonderful beach located on the Outer Banks of North Carolina.

I will return Sunday afternoon…

with maybe a photograph or two.  😉


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  • Sandy

    Hi Debbie, I love the Outer Banks, I have been there once and we stayed in a lovely cabin. It is so beautiful there with all the sand dunes. We were going to go hang gliding, if you can believe that, or at least my hubby thought he was going to take me. Thankfully the weather was too stormy to go (yeah). We almost moved there too ! Hubby had a job offer but we decided to turn it down.
    So sorry about your beautiful tomato, there oughta be a law ungainst that. I bet it was a pesky squirrel. I know how you felt as that has happened to me last year. I just picked two beauties from my garden and I was terrified that something would get them lol.
    I had to laugh at your description of the construction men wiping there faces with their shirts, and yes I’ve seen them do it. Aw come on, we don’t get a picture? LOL
    I hope you had the most beautiful wee-end !