Outside My Window ~ 6.27.10
Outside My Window…is far more heat than I want to deal with. At 4:00 p.m. it is 97ºF but it feels like 102ºF when you factor in the dew point. I arrived home from the Outer Banks a short time ago and had to unload my car in this heat. Absolutely miserable outside…..with no relief in site. Tomorrow is suppose to be 99ºF. To make matters worse, there has been no measurable rain in over a week. We are literally baking. I know some may be thinking ‘well it is summer’ but considering our average for this time of year is the mid 80’s….it is horrible. I will water my poor baked plants later this evening in an attempt to save them. Even the sunflowers look like they are over this heat wave! At this rate, it is going to be a long summer.
I am thinking…about many summer days on a farm that was located on an obscure little road in an obscure little town in North Carolina many years ago. When I go to the Outer Banks, I pass that obscure little road that led to my grandparents farm ~ and each and every time I go past it, a flood of memories come rushing back to me….good memories, happy memories. I don’t drive down the little road much any more….the landscape has changed with time, the farm is gone ~ taken over by the forest. But when I do, I stop at the edge of where the dirt road that led to the house once was ~ and I remember…. and I smile.
I am thankful for…my brother and sister-in-law asking us to share their beach house with them this past weekend. The house was beautiful, the food was good and the company was great. We (as in myself, my youngest daughter and a friend of hers) had a wonderful time. My youngest and I were just talking about how sad it is when good times come to an end.
From the kitchen…I don’t have a clue right now…..the heat just takes my appetite away. I’m leaning towards grilled chicken salad right now.
I am going…to sit back and relax for the rest of the evening….well, after I water my moisture starved plants.
I am hoping…that the slight chance of scattered thunderstorms they are predicting for our area tomorrow comes to pass. My rain barrel is getting extremely low.
Around the house…beach stuff to unpack….a cozy bed that will be calling my name very early this evening.
Plans for the week include…back to work on Monday…..a dentist appointment on the 1st (groan)…..processing many, many photos. I still have quite a few to process from the graduation party and now I have beach photos to process. I will be busy.
One of my favorite things…is staying at the beach. I didn’t do much of the actual fun in the sun…but it was so very relaxing to get away.
A picture I’d like to share with you…a nice view of the cozy little beach house ~ more to come but for now, I’m going to relax.

I feel for you and your heat. It can feel overwhelming here in Australia during the Summer too. We are in our winter now and cold and shivery. How I wish we could balance each others temperatures so we were both just right!
We will be thinking of you and your dentist appointment on the first… because we will be there too!!! The whole family is booked in for a check up before our holidays and my eldest is having two teeth extracted in preparation for braces. Only thing is, she doesn’t know this yet… I’m thinking I’ll leave it till the day to tell her as she got all worked up when the orthodontist suggested it on our last visit.
How funny the way our lives mirror each others in different countries. All just people trying to live the best life we can…
Magikal Folk
Yes….best to leave the extraction news until you get there. I did that with my youngest when she was having teeth extracted in preparation for her braces and it seemed to work better that way. Less time for them to fret over it.