Outside My Window ~ 8.2.10
Outside My Window…is a different view than you normally hear about. I’m publishing this from work today so there is still mad construction going on outside my window. If you remember I told you about the view from my office and the heavy equipment previously….well, it isn’t that close now and it appears they are trying to wrap up this segment of the Power Plant upgrade. Of course they dug a trench around the building this morning and have roped the area off not to long after everyone arrived ~ not sure how they expect people to get in and out ~ but when 4:30 rolls around this afternoon, they will either have it opened back up or this old gal will be hopping fences and jumping trenches to get to her Jeep. When it comes time to go home, I can do almost anything. Right now in Williamsburg it is 77ºF….yes, you read that right ~ we aren’t even in the 80’s and it is about 1:15 in the afternoon. I am wondering if we will even hit the forecast high of 86ºF today. Yesterday it was cloudy and cool with some rain showers at home in Newport News. I was actually a bit chilly when we left the restaurant around 6:00 p.m. after Alanna’s birthday dinner. It was absolutely wonderful! Thus far today we have had cloudy skies. We will be warming up later in the week but for now, I’m enjoying these cooler temps.
I am thinking…I’m glad I decided to give Alanna her special place on the blog yesterday…..I thought about posting this last night, but then thought it would push her special page out of sight….so I opted for today instead. She was very happy to see her post ~ and really liked the fact that I put the clip from the movie in there as well. I heard her singing the song last night as she put her clothes away. Sometimes it is the little things that make people happy. I’m also thinking that I’m not going to volunteer to do her laundry as part of my birthday gift any more ~ that girl had a ton of clothes to wash!!
I am thankful for…my two daughters. I know they can pluck my last nerve sometimes and they can drive me beyond crazy at other times ~ but I love them with every fiber of my being. It has been the three of us for so many years and while it wasn’t always easy on them, they never complained. I would not trade one crazy minute of this life with them for anything in this world.
From the kitchen…is a rather unpleasant Lean Pocket frozen meal for lunch. I desparately need to go grocery shopping and this was all I had in the freezer to bring for my lunch. I now remember why I quit eating these things….this is pretty nasty tasting. I can’t even remember buying this ~ so where did it come from?!?! I’m thinking perhaps nachos for dinner tonight. I was able to taste some my sister had ordered at my daughter’s dinner last night and it is all I can think about making now!
I am going…to go by the grocery store on the way home tonight!
I am hoping…the chunk of cheese and granola bar I brought for a snack today will hold me over until this evening cause this lunch is going in the trash! Yes, it is that bad!!
I am hearing…chiller outside our office running….my co-worker typing on her keyboard….people talking in the outer office…..and remarkably, no construction noise. I’m sure that is the calm before the storm and soon they will be jackhammering away at something.
Around the house…the kitchen and bathroom floors to mop….plants to water ~ inside only thanks to the wonderful rainfall we have received in the last four days….and compared to what my daughter had, a very small amount of my laundry!
Plans for the week include…getting as much of my work caught up as possible at home and at work because I’m taking a few days off again and going to Catawba, South Carolina for another short visit in a little over a week. I can’t wait!
One of my favorite things…is cool summer days. The simple fact that I can think about going outside without breaking into a sweat is lovely. Granted the humidity is around 80% so that makes it a little less unpleasant….it is far better than 99º with 80% humidity!
A picture I’d like to share with you…with the horrifically high humidity comes some pretty interesting clouds which can bring some pretty intense storms. This first photograph caught me by surprise when I downloaded it and adjusted the levels a bit. I glanced at it, did a double take and realized there was a rainbow out that afternoon that I didn’t even see until I downloaded the image. It is faint, but if you look to the left of the cloud formation….click on the image to make it larger and you can just see it…..
No rainbow in this next formation but these rumbled to an enormous size and became quite dark in no time at all….

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Oooh, lemme play, lemme play too!
Outside My Window…a beautiful – if rather warmish – Summer day.
I am thinking…I am so happy there is shade for my car. Someone rammed into a post on our shared carport unit, making it structurally unsafe. So the scramble for parking spots that are protected is more fierce than ever!
I am thankful for…clean, safe drinking water. I’ve been watching a lot of programs about different nations and their struggles. It makes me realize how lucky I am to be able to have sanitary and refreshing water for drinking at my fingertips.
From the kitchen…This may sound like a strange combination, but part of lunch today is honeydew melon with lime squeezed over the pieces. So refreshing!
I am going…to visit a family member for a birthday today! yay!!
I am hoping…that construction is not too bad for my drive later today. My car has no A/C and those drives can become sweaty in the extreme when there are road construction delays.
I am hearing…the hum of the fridge.
Around the house…freshly washed laundry hanging up to dry. I find it saves not only money on utilities to run the dryer less, but our clothes last longer if I just start to dry them – just enough to get the wrinkles out – and then quickly hang them up. I love knowing the laundry is done – for the moment at least.
Plans for the week include…not a very ambitious week around here. Just trying to enjoy Summer before it ends. A few trips to the pool are in order. And that reminds me that the pool pass has expired, gotta renew that….
One of my favorite things…Fruit! All the glorious summer fruits available in abundance. So juicy and delicious.
P.S. I had to giggle when I read this line:
“When it comes time to go home, I can do almost anything”
I can sooooo relate! In fact, while I was in college, whenever my roommate and I were walking to the store or campus together and she wanted me to speed up, she would tell me to get to my “going home” pace. I’m rarely as anxious to get to anywhere as I am to get back home, I guess.