Outside My Window

Outside My Window ~ 9.26.10

Outside My Window…right now it is 74ºF with cloud cover, a chance of thunderstorms this evening ~ and I have been told it feels cool in the house.  Sweet!  We actually had moisture fall from the sky last night….I believe it is called rain?  You know I exaggerate a bit but it has been forever since we have had rain puddles around my house.  And cooler temperatures ~ I welcome thee with open arms!!

From my kitchen…is an early dinner of fried chicken, mashed potatoes and broccoli with cheese.  A special request from my oldest who is coming home from work for her dinner break.  I haven’t cooked a big meal at all this weekend and this is one of her (and my) favorite meals. 

I am creating…more than I need to be right now.  I have collected all the materials necessary to create my new handbag camera bag…let the creating begin.  I plan to have images of the work in progress and the finished bag this week.  I have begun to catalog and organize the textures, masks, presets and actions I have for photo processing.  After that is complete, I need to work on organizing my photo files.  I recently discovered that many of my older photos have potential with the knowledge I have obtained in the last year in regards to photography and processing.  I have another project in the works…a bit too early to share right now.  Sorry, don’t mean to taunt you on this…..I want to get a little more complete before I share ~ but it is hard not too right now, if that makes you feel any better. 

I am going…to spend some time with my cousin tomorrow evening.  She is my age, someone I can remember looking forward to seeing each time we came to visit my grandparents….she is someone I grew up with…someone I shared secrets and dance moves with later as teens.  We moved closer to her family when I began high school.  While we lived in the same city, we went to different schools.  In our early twenties, we both went on an adventure…..she went to England, I went to Colorado.  I didn’t stay in Colorado but she stayed in England where she married and had children.  She lives there today and is visiting her family in the States right now.   I love to sit and talk….the Virginian with the English accent…..it always makes me smile.  I have already warned her there would be photos.  🙂

I am hearing…the laundry dryer…..the end of the movie “Resident Evil” (gotta love Alice ~ and Milla Jovovich)….the ticking of my many clocks.

Around the house…dishes….laundry…..projects….and a definite drop in the temperature! 

Plans for the week include…another work week….visiting with my cousin….finishing the camera bag….and taking lots of photographs.

One of my favorite things…is talking with someone you have known forever but haven’t spoken to in some time.  And when you get the chance to talk again….or even see each other ~ it is like no time has passed. 

A picture I’d like to share with you…is a little something I was playing around with tonight….trying a few different things with some of last year images taken with my Canon point and shoot camera. 

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