Outside My Window ~ 10.18.10
Outside My Window…is a nice cool evening as the sun sets. The temperature is about 62ºF with a slight breeze. The day was lovely…sunshine…tonight they are forecasting clouds and a slight chance of rain in the next couple of days ~ very slight. I noticed on my way in to work today that you can see a subtle change in the color of the leaves. The image I’m using as my fall Outside My Window photograph was taken last October at Lake Matoaka ~ located on the campus of the College of William and Mary. I think I may have to take another walk around campus again soon to get some shots of the lake this year as well as the Crim Dell bridge. Even though I have been to the bridge several times, I would like to go to the same spot to see the difference between summer and now.
I am thinking…about the Chilean miners that were recently rescued. I remember when I heard about them trapped in the safe room so far underground and how long it would take to reach them ~ and when they did reach them, did they even know they could be rescued? It must have been surreal for those men to be trapped so far underground….wondering, waiting. I guess it boggles my mind because I would be losing mine if I had been trapped down there. And then there is the other side of the surreal coin….these guys are down there for a couple of months with no light, becoming virtual mole like people and suddenly here they are, back on top with their families, sunshine and the ability to do anything they want. During all that time I have to wonder, did they ever think they would be with their loved ones doing every day things again while they sat in that room so far underground?
From my kitchen…is probably going to be something light ~ perhaps a grilled chicken Caesar wrap or something along those lines. I have recently rediscovered my love for those tasty little gems.
I am going…to finish my camera handbag by this Saturday if it is the last thing I do this week. I had an occasion to use it twice recently and I have yet to finish it. Another opportunity is coming up this Saturday and I want it done!
I am hoping…that the yearly inspection on my Jeep comes off without a problem. I love how they seem to find the littlest thing that ends up costing far more than it should to fix….like a burnt out light. I think I’m good to go though…my only concern was going to be my tires and I have had them all replaced after my scary incident.
I am hearing…my youngest daughter in the shower with the radio blasting ~ because you can’t take a shower when you are 16 without a radio on very loud…..a television program on in the background….the ticking of my many clocks.
Around the house…laundry all done….a freshly painted front door….dishes to do…and a comfy bed already calling my name.
Plans for the week include…a day off on Wednesday to get my Jeep inspected and run a couple of other necessary errands….putting together the camera handbag….working on some recent photos I need to edit.
A picture I’d like to share with you…are you tired of my flower photographs yet? Please bear with me a bit longer. They fascinate me….watching them form….

I remember the days of blasting music while taking a shower lol. Now, I want silence because a shower is the only time I usually get any! How things change lol! You need to share that chicken caeser wrap recipe with the rest of us. Sounds delish!
Magikal Folk
I will do that Penny….it is quite simple and quite delish!
You hit the mark on your comments about the miner. Thoghts along that same path were going through my head, especially as I sat and watched them coming up from the ground.
Magikal Folk
Riding up in that tube had to be the longest, strangest ride of their lives!