Outside My Window ~ 11.28.10
Outside My Window…is dark and chilly. Currently at 8:00 p.m., the temperature is 34°F….no wind so there is no wind chill to factor in. Today was a nice day albeit a chilly one. Also outside my window are the Christmas lights decorating our window, shrubs and tree out front. It was a bit brisk while putting them out but I managed to stay warm with all the moving around. I do have a couple of shrubs that are without lights…two strands were not working so they will need to be replaced. I can’t quite figure out how they were working when I put them away and not working when I unpack them a year later. One of those great mysteries in life I suppose.
I am thinking…of too many things at one time. I have so many different things I need to do or want to do….my mind is in serious overload. I seriously considered postponing this post until tomorrow evening but it won’t be much better than this evening. I’m in the process of putting up the Christmas tree this evening….dinner dishes need to be washed…I would like to finish the design on our Christmas card…people waiting for photos to be processed…creating Christmas lists ~ both for myself and others….and we aren’t even going to mention the chaos that is my bedroom. I’m a bit tense and can feel it all jammed up in my neck and shoulders. I’m thinking an hour with a good masseuse would be worth many shiny pennies right now.
I am thankful…I was able to get the Christmas lights and tree up this weekend. I was hoping to have the tree finished by this time but sometimes the best laid plans. Oh well…up and practically finished is better than not up at all.
From my kitchen…was chicken Alfredo for dinner. Yum! I mixed some bread dough with my new “luv-ah” this evening but will wait until the morning to bake it. The recipe recommends refrigerating the dough overnight for best results so thought I would give it a try. My first time making this so I’m hoping it comes out as expected. Even if the bread isn’t as expected, I can say for certain this mixer with the dough hook is WONDERFUL!! No more stirring until I want to throw it in the trash, bowl and all….instead I turn on the mixer with the hook, add ingredients and then do a happy dance in the kitchen while it stirs.
I am creating…hopefully edible bread in the morning.
I am hoping…to finish decorating the tree after I publish this….quickly wash up the dishes and then perhaps relax for the evening.
I am hearing…the dryer tumbling Cailin’s clothes dry…..a movie on television….the ticking of my many clocks.
Around the house…Christmas decoration boxes to go back into the attic…..a rocking chair that was displaced by the tree and has no place to go at the moment….plants to water….and bills to pay.
Plans for the week include…working from home tomorrow so I can take Cailin to the dentist ~ I know, not only 5 days off but on the day I go back to work, I get to do it in my comfy clothes at home! And best of all, I didn’t even plan it this way, just worked out like this when I made the appointment six months ago. The rest of the week will probably involve more chores around the house. Cailin has also mentioned going to the mall….which truth be known I would rather stick needles in my eyes than visit the mall between now and Christmas but I suppose it must be done. Personally I plan on doing the vast majority of my Christmas shopping online this year. I may take the time when I get up in the morning to check out some of the Cyber Monday sales.
One of my favorite things…is sitting in the dark with nothing but the Christmas tree lights on. Magikal!
A picture I’d like to share with you…blown glass ~ I love the imperfections.

I have one of those. I love mine too. Don’t do so much baking etc (for the past 5 years) since Doug & I have switched to South Beach but it will get a work out in the next week or so! I do have to make cookies for the troops.
Have a good week girlie!
Magikal Folk
I’m just getting started with mine Carole!