Life In General

I Did It!

Burning a bayberry candle from tip to socket puts luck in the home and gold in the pocket!
Tradition holds that when one receives a bayberry candle as a gift from a friend,
 then burns the candle on New Year’s Eve (allowing the candle to burn itself out),
then one will receive good luck, good health and much wealth.

I did it….one year…..365 days!  I completed my task ~ a post a day for an entire year.  I started last year, Jan 1st, and for each day thereafter a post was up on this blog.  Sometimes very early in the morning, sometimes just beating the clock that night.  But there was a post, and there was an image of some sort on each post every day of 2010.  Not an image I took each and every day mind you ~ that is an entirely different challenge….and one I’m not willing to conquer this year…but there was either an image or an image with words each and every day this year.  My challenge is done….finished.  I’m quite proud of myself.  🙂

There were other accomplishments this past year.  I expanded my portfolio and honed my skills.  I can look back over the year and see my progression…amazing really.  Many times I will read something from an admired photographer and the one key point they all repeat again and again is to get out there and shoot….shoot…..shoot.  Practice, practice, practice.  I have gone from shooting on full automatic with a point and shoot to shooting on full manual with a DSLR during this year.  If you had told me this time last year I would be shooting exclusively on manual, I would have laughed.  But I am…all the time!  I am making all the adjustments myself.  Yes, I’m making mistakes, but I’m also learning what works and what doesn’t work.  I have shot thousands of images….yes thousands.   One of the many benefits of digital cameras….you have the ability to shoot as many images as you want at one time without breaking the bank with the cost of developing.  And the more you shoot….the better you will get.

I have obtained some equipment I set out to get this past year.  While my list is still quite long, I was able to cross a few things off.  I have obtained some amazing photo editing software this year and discovered I have a knack for editing and creating.  One of my major equipment scores was from my mother this year at Christmas….a lighting and umbrella set.  Natural light will always be my first love but with these lights and reflectors I am now able to expand even further.

So what lofty goals have I set for myself this year?  I think I will participate in a few online photo challenges I have discovered along the way.  I’m considering a 52 week challenge for myself….selecting and posting my favorite photo from all that I took during a weeks time on the blog ~ perhaps I will give that its own page.   I would like to actually participate in the World Wide Photo Walk this year….hopefully the plumbing will cooperate this time.  🙂  I am looking into joining a few photography groups and associations as well.   I plan on reading everything I can get my hands on as far as photography goes….and maybe taking a class or two here and there.  I know what I’m doing but I know there is more to learn.

I have a few personal goals I have set for myself this year….no resolutions, but goals I would like to accomplish.  I prefer to keep those private though.   I’m am working on something I can’t wait to share with you….but can’t reveal right at this moment….hopefully within the coming month. 

All in all….2010 was a pretty good year.  Some things I could have done differently ~ but no sense focusing on what was and better to look at what can be.  I have mentioned before that I enjoy numerology.  On the first day of January each year, I determine what my personal year is and its influence.  In numerology, the world turns in nine year cycles….in 2010, my personal year was a four…..”Concentrate on building up your resources and personal and family securities.  Also favorable for focusing on study and working hard towards a goal”.  For 2011, my personal year is a five ~

Expect the unexpected.  Travel, change, challenge, new experiences.  It’s a year of adventure, but flow with the tide because a five year is like a kaleidoscope, forever changing patterns.  You need to be energized, alert & ready for challenges this year will bring.


It has been awhile since I have had an adventure.  🙂  How about you…..did you achieve any of your goals or resolutions for last year?  Do you set goals or make resolutions at the start of a new year? 

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  • Penny

    I so often hear “Life is what happens when we are busy making plans”. I have no plans or resolutions, but like you, a goal or two. Still trying to find me amongst the muck. You are amazingly talented as a photographer, and look forward to seeing what you snap pics of this year.

    Happy New Year my friend,
    Penny \IiiI

    • Magikal Folk

      I have heard that as well Penny….a wonderful message. Thanks so much for the compliment ~ I do appreciate that. I hope to shoot quite a bit this year ~ some even from outside my comfort zone. 🙂