Outside My Window ~ 1.2.2011
Outside My Window…is heavy rain and gray skies. At 11:00 this morning, we have a temperature of 57°F….and after weeks of brrrr chilly weather, that feels quite toasty outside. I took the outside Christmas lights down this morning….fortunately before the rains came. The snow had finally melted off of the bushes so I could see where they were. It is amazing what a difference a week can make…last Sunday at this time there was heavy snow, white out conditions and a temperature of 28°F….today I’m walking around outside in sandals and short sleeves before the rain came. And rain….yea, we can use that after the 14 inches of snow we got last Sunday melted in a weeks time. But on the good side, while central Virginia is still experiencing drought, the coast is in the green. There is a little snow here and there, but the difference in what was on the ground yesterday morning compared to this morning….wow, lots of melting took place in the past 24 hours. Today is simply rain….no torrential downpours so far, no screaming winds…just rain. Have you ever noticed how comfortable your house becomes during days like this?
I am thinking…about how much I really don’t want to go back to work tomorrow. {Sigh} I love this time off around Christmas….I can ease into the holiday with a few days off before and I get to relax afterwards. But going back to work is not something I look forward too ~ and I like where I work, like the people, the place, what I do….I can’t imagine how I would feel if I didn’t. As each year goes by, it seems to get harder and harder to get up that first Monday morning. I told Cailin yesterday I bet I could adapt to retirement very easily….or being independently wealthy would work too. I was thinking this morning that maybe I shouldn’t take the extra days….and then I thought who am I kidding, no way I’m giving that up.
I am thankful…for making it through another year. I’m thankful I was able to spend so much time this past year visiting with family and friends. I’m thankful I was able to spend time with my dear cousin and her daughter ~ I hope not as much time passes between our next visit. I’m thankful I was able take a couple of trips to see my parents this past year in South Carolina ~ I hope to do the same this coming year. 2010 is over and out….now we get to start a clean and shiny new year.
From my kitchen…a little bitty breakfast steak and eggs in a just a little bit. Lunch and dinner….I don’t know right now.
I am creating…somewhat of a mess as I bring Christmas decorations in from outside and take down what is inside. I don’t have too much so I should be finished later this afternoon. A few other things are on the burner but not quite ready to share them right now ~ thus eliminating the pressure on me to follow up right away.
I am going…to enjoy not being “required” to post something on the blog each and every day. When I started my post a day project last year, it wasn’t so bad until it got to around July…and then it started to feel like a requirement I had to finish each day….but it was something I started and I really wanted to finish it. It was definitely a challenge near the end. When it got so close to the end, I didn’t dare think about how many days were left because I thought I would jinx it. I purposely didn’t dwell on the days left because I was afraid if I did, something would happen to prevent me from posting. But nothing happened….and I did it!
I am reading…well, it is more like flipping through a couple of photography books I received for Christmas. I hope to start reading a bit more very soon.
I am hoping…this next week goes by fairly quickly ~ but I know….I know it will be the slowest week ever. My only saving hope is that there may be a mountain of work and I will be so busy I won’t notice how incredibly slow the days are going.
I am hearing…the ticking of my many clocks…..the hum of the refrigerator….Stephen King’s The Langoliers on the SyFy Channel.
Around the house…Christmas clutter…..furniture to rearrange after the tree comes down…..laundry for the week to come…..paperwork from 2010 to file away to make room for 2011.
Plans for the week include…back to work {groan}…..renewing the quest to find Cailin a car ~ a few more options have opened up so the field is much wider now. I’m planning on entering a couple of online photo challenges. I’m also seriously considering a Project 52 and have found two groups I can participate with. Project 52 is a less ambitious Project 365. Both are what they seem….you take a photograph every day in Project 365, pick one from a week’s worth of images in Project 52. I just finished posting every day…..I don’t want to do a photograph a day, not this year anyway. But I think I can handle a weekly photograph though.
One of my favorite things…lazy, rainy days. It has stopped raining for now….and I don’t plan on being lazy today ~ but I do like lazy, rainy days.
A picture I’d like to share with you…I mentioned earlier what a difference a week can make ~ I thought I would use visual aids.