Outside My Window ~ 1.23.10
Outside My Window…at 8:15 this evening is a dark and extremely cold night. We are currently at 26°F with a wind chill of 19°F….our forecast low is 16°F. C-O-L-D has been the forecast this winter for most of the country. I believe even Florida has experienced its share of frosty days and night. I also read that a good deal of the country has already experienced its annual snowfall. People are snow weary and we still have a couple of months of winter left. Brrrrr! I am enjoying a nice fire in my fireplace at the moment. I took a little nap in front of a fire last night in my hammock rocking chair last night….I usually have no problems napping in it, but the fire made it extra nice.
I am thinking…about some very close friends of my parents who just recently lost their son. She and my mother were pregnant at the same time…she was pregnant with her first and only child and my mother with my youngest sister. Her son was born eight days before my sister in the same hospital. They were a military family and transferred from this area years ago, but she and my mother have kept in touch. Today we received the very sad news that her son had died a natural death at the age of 37. So very young….so very sad. No parent should have to bury their child….at any age.
I am thankful…for my warm house and warm clothing during weather like this….so very thankful.
From my kitchen…was a grilled cheese for my youngest and a small home made sub sandwich for me. I had plans to make a small steak with salad and baked potato but Cailin wanted grilled cheese. Worked for me…far less prep time and clean up.
I am creating…something dreams are made of. Intrigued? Well, you have to keep reading………..
I am going…to share my creation with you….my special project. I have been working diligently on this behind the scenes for quite some time now. For almost a year I have been acquiring different things that will help me realize my dream……a place to call my own…..research….information. I have worked hard this past week, both in the evening and during my lunch hour at work because today was the day I decided to share my special project. There is still a few things to do, but for the most part it is done. I have decided that I need to lift the lid off the box, step outside of it and just do it….just do it. Otherwise, if I let fear paralyze me and I stay in my comfort zone, I will always wonder what if. Today, I present to you Magikal Folk Photography. The shingle is out, I’m open for business.
I am reading…Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets. I haven’t started this one yet because….well, see above. I was on the computer every chance this past week fine tuning a few things. And I may fine tune some more before all is said and done.
I am hoping…that you guys like my site and you think of me next time you need a photographer.
I am hearing…the ticking of my many clocks….my heart beating in my chest (what if you don’t like me! )…..the dryer tumbling Cailin’s clothes…..the crackling sound of the fire in my fireplace.
Around the house…actually it isn’t too bad around the house, for the most part it is clean and tidy with the exception of my work area. It is a bit of a mess.
Plans for the week include…tying up the loose ends on the new site…..deciding which day I want to work from home next week….a family photo session on Saturday.
One of my favorite things…is relaxing in front of a fireplace on a cold night.
A picture I’d like to share with you…I worked from home Friday so I was able to step outside early in the morning and get these shots of the moon as it was setting. I had noticed how large it was Wednesday evening as it rose but before I could get someplace to take a photograph of it….it rose just enough to go behind the cloud cover. Thursday evening we were cloudy once again….but Friday morning, clear as a bell. I like how it looks as if the moon is balancing on the tiny twig in this first shot……and I didn’t even plan it that way…..
From a different perspective……

I think what you are doing is amazing and people will love your work. I only wish we lived closer so you could do a package or two for me!!
Good luck with MFP!
Magikal Folk
Thank you Penny! Who knows, if i ever get up to Michigan I can take care of you.
Vicky Sanderlin-McLoughlin
Hi Debbie,
How fantastic to read about your photography business. I hope it’s a success – your photographs are always breath-taking.
Hoping & praying for you…
Magikal Folk
Thank you Vicky….for both your support and your compliment! I appreciate it!!