Back to School??
Today I received some very exciting news! A chance for my newly launched photography business to take off….a golden opportunity….the prospect of acquiring several new clients all at once….but at the same time, news that made me want to hurl my breakfast. Seriously….that bad.
I have been thinking about this all morning and telling myself I would be crazy not to do this….crazy! And again….breakfast acts like it wants to make an appearance again ~ an appearance I would rather not experience. So I decide to send an email to my trusty assistant….aka my “seester”. (Some names or words have been changed to protect identities.)
Guess what….”She” gave my cards to a school she does “business” for and they want me to come in and speak to the current seniors about my services. Some of them had images taken for the yearbook but they want something other than the standard photos. Speak in front of a room full of people….actual talking….I would rather dig my eyes out with a dull spoon!! I told her I might be able to if they have a trash can I can throw up in every once in awhile. But here is the kicker…it would be at “a school”….so along with wanting to throw up just thinking about it, I would have to worry about Cailin hurling herself off the roof.
I mean….it could lead to more clients….it is what I want to do….but gawd ~ why, why, why do I have to talk in front of {gasp} people. I know it is irrational….I know they are not going to eat me up but this goes back to when I was a wee child in school. I DON’T LIKE TO GET UP IN FRONT OF PEOPLE AND TALK! What am I going to do??
Just to clarify….the reason I would worry about Cailin hurling herself off the roof is because it turns out it is her school. Even though I wouldn’t be speaking to her class, I’m sure she knows a senior or two that could be in the audience. So what do I get as a response to my very serious problem….
You are hysterical!!! I was actually crying, I was laughing so hard.
Seeing no help whatsoever in her reply, I send yet another….
Quit laughing!! Wipe those eyes and tell me….what do I do?? I guess I could open with “I hate this more than childbirth” and move on, apologizing for probably tripping over my lips the entire time??
Her response….
I can’t help it.
I hear your voice in my head as I am reading the email and that just makes it funnier. If you do it at the beginning of March, I might be able to go with you.
Well….problem solved….I guess she could hold the trash can.

Come on! You do this and you will become the coolest mom in the school *ever*!!!!
Magikal Folk
I don’t know Penny….daughter number 2 may not like everyone talking about her mom passing out on stage!
This is very exciting. Just do it! You will do great

Just flaunt that confidence and be the coolest mom!
Magikal Folk
I have decided I will do the presentation Ella….if the time and date is something I can work out. I’m not so sure how “great” I will be, but I can’t pass up an opportunity like this if I want to succeed.