Outside My Window ~ 3.6.11
Outside My Window…is a gray, drizzly day. Currently at 11:00 a.m., we are at 61°F and quite cloudy. There is a chance of rain this morning but a greater one this afternoon when our temps will climb to about 64°F for the high and we will experience steady rains and thunder. It sounds like a typical spring day even though the first day of spring is actually two weeks away. Two Weeks! I’m really looking forward to spring….I am so tired of the cold this year. Trees and plants are coming back to life in full force….before we know it there will be warmer temps and sunny days….as well as the yellow/green dust of pollen all over everything ~ I’m not looking forward to that so much. Sadly the days that will follow today aren’t all that warm…we won’t hit the 60’s again until Thursday when we are expecting thunderstorms once again.
I am thinking…about how I am not looking forward to going back on daylight savings time next Sunday. Yes….it will be time to spring our clocks forward an hour and in turn mess up every one’s internal clocks for several weeks. OK, maybe some of you don’t take that long to adjust to the time change….unfortunately it does me. And not everyone in the United States participates in daylight savings time…Arizona, Hawaii and Indiana are the three that do not I believe. That must be strange traveling to those locations during this time period if you live in the same time zone as they do.
I am thankful…for my present from my sister this week! Yea! I love presents! Who doesn’t really…but I especially love presents for no reason at all. My sister and her husband (my hero) were in Williamsburg shopping and having lunch earlier this week. They stopped by the office with my present….a large blackberry tea candle from Yankee Candles (they have a humongous store in Williamsburg). She knew how much I loved my blackberry sage tea and thought this candle smelled just like it….and it does. Even better, I have a sage candle from Yankee Candle as well and when I burnt them both together yesterday….a heavenly scent. Thanks again guys…I love it!!
From my kitchen…is a cup of cinnamon hazelnut coffee at the moment. I’m definitely going to be making my pineapple/coconut ice cream today ~ time ran out last Sunday and I didn’t get a chance to make it. I haven’t yet decided on what “real” food I will be making today….but I want something delicious, just can’t figure out what delicious means to me today.
I am creating…my new Senior Representative cards as well as designing some graduation announcements and graduation open house invitations. These will feature some of the seniors favorite images from the shoot as well as information on either their graduation or party. I will be ordering some of the Senior Representative cards today….here’s hoping they do the job they were designed for!
I am going…to be submitting an order I received from a photo shoot today as well as ordering some of my Senior Rep cards. Perhaps I will give you a sneak peak of my cards after all is said and done.
I am reading…or should say I’m still reading the Harry Potter series. The books got larger and larger with each new one so it is taking longer and longer for me. Unfortunately I haven’t had the chance to sit down and read for an unlimited amount of time in quite a while so it has been a little here and a little there. I’m actually fine with that because I’m happy to be interested in reading again. And yes, I’m still using actual books….I have yet to embrace the technical age when it comes to reading….with the exception of occasional news reports which I get online.
I am hoping…that our new Director of Finance at work is easygoing. Our former Director that retired this past September (yes, it has taken that long to find another!) was so easygoing, it was a joy to work with him. One of the things I really liked about him, he didn’t micro-manage you or hover. He was always there to answer questions when they came up, but he let you do your job without constant questions about it. Now we have a new person that will be coming in (is it weird that the powers that be have not told us exactly when that will be?) and we have no clue what to expect. We have heard rumors from someone in the know that the individuals in charge from the college she comes from tend to express themselves with lots of screaming and yelling. I’m really, really hoping that isn’t the case…..because if it is, that isn’t going to sit well with me ~ nor most of the people she will be directly over. The last thing I need is to be stressed out over going to work.
I am hearing…the ticking of my many clocks….the hum of the refrigerator….a blue jay singing his song outside. It isn’t so much a song I guess, more like a type of whistle. They do call out in their usual raucous cry when I’m filling the bird feeders ~ almost as if calling the clan to where they are….but after feeding for a little while, I have noticed they bob up and down a bit and sing this lilting whistle ~ maybe a thank you? Yea, I’m stretching here and maybe I need to step away from the bird feeders for awhile?
Around the house…my laundry….clutter here and there ~ I have discovered that some weeks I’m lazier than others when it comes to putting things away after I have finished with them. It isn’t a frightening amount, but for instance, I am wondering why I have a couple of jackets laying across the back of the rocker when my room isn’t that much further down the hall.
Plans for the week include…some design work….hopefully working on some sewing projects I would really, really like to get finished….working from home at least one day this week….and of course, taking photographs.
One of my favorite things…is rainy days like today. Soft rain…no thunder yet….it isn’t freezing cold outside….and while the skies aren’t blue, sometimes it is alright when they are gray. Days like today are great for indoor projects….or some type of craft you may like to do….watching movies….or napping.
A photograph I would like to share with you…is Lunch! And yes, I do like cheese on my tacos. I’m also going to share a recipe for tasty taco meat. Have a great afternoon everyone!

Stephanie Harsh
Time change… *groan* …I hate daylight savings. I mean, as I’ve gotten older, I do have more appreciation for the additional daylight hours, BUT I get completely whacked out on the whole sleep thing. It just throws me all off. I don’t care for it.
As for reading… here is my PSA for the day. Get on board with the eReader. I don’t care which one you choose… Kindle, Nook, an app on your phone, whatever! It’s the best thing you can ever do. Just think- you wouldn’t have to lug around that gigantic Harry Potter book!
I never thought I’d be the one to encourage ebooks (I love the real thing way too much), but you know what I love even more? I love that I can carry ALL of my books with me right there on my phone. I love that I can read… and no one knows what I’m doing. (For some reason, it’s okay for us to check our e-mails and text messages at work, but pulling out a book is frowned upon.) And I love that, since my device is backlit, I don’t need a light to read by so I can read anytime, anyplace.
I’m sure I can come up with more reasons to try to convince you, but quite frankly, I can’t believe I’ve gone on about it as much as I have. I’m a little embarrassed by myself. Oh well. It’s just one of those things that has made such a huge improvement that I feel the need to share it with the world. I’ll go now.
Magikal Folk
Ditto Stephanie…it will be at least two weeks before my sleep returns to normal. In the meantime, I will feel like a zombie.
I have to say that if you, my hero when it comes to reading, has embraced the eReader so passionately ~ perhaps I do need to check it out. My sister has a Kindle…maybe I will try hers out and see what I think. It would be cool to have many books at my fingertips without the heavy bag to lug around. I do believe you have convinced me!
Gina Baynham
Good luck with the changes in work Debbie.
Things in my work have been very stressful over the last few months since a new boss took over. Three colleagues handed in resignations this week. I was told I can’t have time off to care for my kids in the next school holidays despite 6 weeks written notice. I was told “That’s what after school care clubs are for” It reduced me to tears and I wrote a letter reducing my hours. Less money for our family but less stress. I truly hope your new boss is respectful of you and does not use a raised voice to try to exert her authority. Life can be hard enough without individuals being disrespectful to each other. Fingers crossed for you xo
Magikal Folk
Thanks Gina! I hope I don’t encounter a situation similar to the one you found yourself in when a new boss came on board….which by the way I thought you were treated horribly! Pity you had to reduce your hours instead of them working with you.