Outside My Window

Outside My Window ~ 3.20.11

Outside My Window…is a fabulous first day of Spring.  Not as toasty warm as it could be….49°F at 3:15.  There is a light breeze but there is also plenty of sunshine and blue skies.  We do have a light cloud cover ~ kind of like a water color wash of white here and there, but it is definitely a day you can not complain about.  Beautiful now, not so much later this evening.  Our forecast calls for rain late tonight.  Tomorrow will be partly cloudy, windy and 71°F…chance of thunderstorms tomorrow evening.  Welcome to spring in southeastern Virginia.

I am thinking…about the quest last night to see the moon as soon as it rose over an open area….my sister and I.  The city I live in has many, many trees ~ not so many as when I first moved here due to our dying need to build more and more shopping areas, but still a lot of trees.  I knew the moon would be rising in the east and I’m thinking wide open areas would be nice, where the tree horizon was in a greater distance…and I came up with the airport.  I have seen some amazing sunrises on my way to work, I thought it would work well for viewing the largest full moon in 20 years.  It would require us to go the the back edge of the airport….where few others venture on a regular basis.  We got there early to be sure it would be a good view so we were hanging around for a while…in an off the beaten path part of an airport….with cameras.  We were waiting….for the moon to rise….for some sort of law enforcement to come ask us why were we “hanging around an obscure area at the airport with cameras”…..and I would tell them “we came out to watch the full moon rise tonight”….and they would say “sure you are, come with us please”.   But they didn’t and we saw ~ my sister was the first to see it begin to peak from behind the trees on the faraway horizon.  We both commented on how beautiful it was….and how it would have been sweet to see it rise over the ocean.  And then I beat myself up for a few minutes because I didn’t think of that earlier. 

I am thankful…when I can do something that makes people happy.  My brother-in-law’s mother passed away recently after a long and courageous battle with cancer.  They discovered some old photographs and among them was one of his mother when she was a young woman maybe in her late teens, very early twenties…lying with her head on a pillow covered with peace symbols and looking up at the individual taking the photograph.  I scanned the image and made some adjustments….I understand he was pleased with the end result….and that makes me happy.

From my kitchen…was PW’s Ranch Style Chicken, potato pockets and a garden greens salad for dinner last night.  It was all part of the evening….moon watch, dinner and then a movie, “Eclipse” on DVD (can I get a *fist pump* from Stephanie on that one 🙂 )  I had promised my sister I would make her favorite meal for dinner one evening…she wanted to watch that particular movie….so when I heard about the full moon on Saturday, seemed perfect.  Tonight I may make some type of stir fry ~ pork or chicken, maybe a little of both.

I am going…to be all by myself in my little office tomorrow ~ all alone with the new Director.  I don’t know her that well so I’m reserving judgement until I do…but based on the little contact I have had, she seems alright.  She has had a busy schedule since she arrived, but I think if it had been me, I would have made an effort to seek out and introduce myself to my new minions.  Yes, believe it or not minions do like to be recognized by upper management.  She did not but I did introduce myself, followed by the words “fear me”…kidding on the last part, I did introduce myself though.  🙂  Hard to get a handle on her yet….closes the door, leaves it open…she did come out and join the gang when one of my closest friends thought it would be fun to sing Happy Birthday to me when another co-worker brought out a cheesecake and presented it to me at my desk to take a slice.  Oddly enough…it was her birthday!  She commented on how we had the same birthdays….of course  I had to come clean and tell her no it wasn’t mine, just a running joke in the office whenever there is cake involved. She laughed, which means there is sense of humor included in the package.  Like I said, I don’t know her all that well so I don’t feel like it would be fair to come to a conclusion right now.  Let’s just say…so far so good.

I am reading…the continuing saga of Harry Potter.  🙂  I realize I’m not going to slam through this series in record time.

I am hoping…that Japan and the rest of the world doesn’t have to experience a nuclear meltdown.  I am hoping that they can contain the spent fuel rods and cores.  I am hoping that harmful levels of radioactivity do not get released in the atmosphere.  And that’s all I have to say about that.

I am hearing…oddly enough, a Harry Potter movie on television 🙂  …Cailin’s clothes drying in the dryer….an occasional song from my wind chimes….the ticking of my many clocks.

Around the house…clutter ~ I have come to the conclusion that I am apparently a breeder of clutter.  Some people breed dogs, I breed clutter…and clutter breeds like rabbits!  Not too horrible, mostly around my work area.  Shocking I know…but true.

Plans for the week include…having the Jeep serviced….work from home one day this week….finish up a couple of projects that are in progress.

One of my favorite things…hearing from someone I haven’t seen or heard from in awhile.  And oddly enough I was talking about this person with another friend not all that long ago ~ we were both wondering how this person was doing.  I love it when that happens.

A photograph I would like to share with you…my vision of the March 19, 2011 full moon.  Once the moon rose and was partially covered with clouds, we headed away from the airport to a residential area not too far away…one with a golf course.  This image was taken as I looked toward the east as the moon rose over the Kiln Creek houses below:

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  • Carole

    I would gladley give up the beautiful week we have in store for some rain or snow. We are so dry we are already having wildfires in the moutains. Gonna be a LLLLOOOONNNNGGG fire season…which by the way, may end up being all summer if we don’t get moisture.
    Welcome to Colorado!
    Great photo of the moon, btw. I can’t get anything decent here with power lines, houses and street lights and I had Talan overnight so I didn’t venture out. Got a shot though. Kind of looks like the last full moon. Misty around it.
    Oh well. I tried.

    • Magikal Folk

      I wasn’t able to get a decent moon shot until I got my larger zoom lens either Carole. I know what dry and dusty can be like….we experienced that for some time ourselves. Seem to be doing alright with that now though.

  • Penny

    You are so lucky to live in such a beautiful place! I will ask yet again: when are you going to start selling your photographs????