Outside My Window

Outside My Window ~ 3.27.11

Outside My Window…is cold…cloudy….windy….and if I’m not mistaken, there is a fine, powdery snow coming down right now.  Snow ~ really?  The flakes are so tiny it looks like misty rain when the wind is blowing, but when it stops you can see there is more to it than just misty rain.  Weird.  All of the bulbs and flowers beginning to bloom from our fine weather these past two weeks and now this.  Winter’s last gasp perhaps…or March showing us that it can come in like a lion and leave like a lion rather than a lamb?  Our current temperature is 36°F but feels like 29°F, probably because of the wind.  Forecast today calls for snow/rain showers and a high temperature of 39°F for the afternoon.  There are no significant snow accumulations predicted…just moisture I suppose. 

I am thinking…about changing some of the opening wording for the paragraphs on here for today and forward.  I originally got this idea from another site I had visited and liked the concept. This all began because once upon a time I was an avid letter writer.  I would write to relatives and friends on a regular basis with updates on what was happening in my life and ask them about theirs.  But as time passed, postage rates rose, my available time declined and letters soon became a rarity from me.  That didn’t mean my desire to reach out and communicate with the people I knew was gone though.  I decided to try this one day after realizing the only communication I had with a lot of people was through jokes that were forwarded via email.  We rarely, if ever, communicated beyond that point…and I was as much to blame as anyone else.  I adjusted the wording a bit, but for the most part left it intact and decided to call it “Outside My Window”.   I think it has been well received by people I know and love…and that was what it was all about to begin with.  I especially love it when I get messages from people letting me know what is up with them…almost as good as getting that letter in the mail from them many years ago.  I say almost because I’m still a fan of the written word and receiving things in the mail, but also a realist and know that many do not do so in this day and age ~ me included.  So a few minor changes here and there beginning today….and please, if you are reading this and would like to do the same ~ feel free to take the concept and run with it. 

I am glad…I decided to skip housework yesterday and take a short ride to Norfolk and the MacArthur Mall with my sister, her husband and my youngest daughter.  We walked around the mall for a bit ~ I actually ended up standing around a lot in between while my youngest shopped ~ and then had dinner at California Pizza.  Initially they were going and invited my youngest and I to go with them but I declined and said I had too much to do.  My youngest then asked me to join them….and made me feel a bit guilty by suggesting I would rather do chores than spend time with family.  She was right…housework can wait because you don’t always have the chance to spend time with people you love.  We had a good time…and I’m very happy I changed my mind. 

From my kitchen…hmmm, I’m debating on whether or not to keep this paragraph actually.  I mean, do you really care what I’m eating or drinking at the moment?  🙂  I will have to think about this one a little more.  

I am currently working on…textures, backgrounds and presets to use with my photographs and some design work.  Everything is still a work in progress but when I get a few completed, I will share some with you. 

I am going…to be doing housework today because I shopped yesterday.  No worries, I am unable to get outside and pull a few weeds from the flower beds and since I had no real plans for today, it works for me.

I am currently reading…a story about a boy wizard ~ yea, yea…I’m still reading the Harry Potter series.  Life has been a bit hectic and when it isn’t I am relaxing but not reading.  I really should set a lump of time aside but for the time being, I’m grabbing a few pages here and there and that works for now.

I am hoping…this cold snap we are experiencing doesn’t harm or damage the buds on the trees or the flowers coming out of the ground.  I’m a little worried it could damage what few blooms I have on my dogwood tree ~ which are beginning to open up by the way.  Our average temperature for this time of year is around 43°F…and we are no where near the record low of 25°F thankfully.

I am hearing…a blue jay announcing his presence while sitting in the red maple tree outside the living room window…my wind chimes singing to me…the ticking of my many clocks…an otherwise quiet house. 

Plans for this week…include working from home tomorrow…getting the Jeep serviced during my lunch hour tomorrow…and preparing for relaxing time.  Yes folks, a week’s vacation starts this coming Friday after work.  Five more days of work than it is off for nine…nine relaxing days to do exactly what I want to do.  I can’t wait!! 

One of life’s little pleasures…is getting caught up in the excitement of others when they share their good news. 

From my camera…


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  • Carole

    After firefighters battling 3 wildfires this past week and sounds like another one right now, I would gladly take any amount of moisture we could get. Sounds like a little relief this week, but I stress the word LITTLE. It is WINDY right now and I do mean windy. I am glad I am making meatloaf instead of trying to grill.
    I actually like your “From my kitchen…” when you link recipes to it. But don’t let that infulence you unless you get the same response from others. Most of the ones I have seen, we wouldn’t eat on South Beach but they still look yummy! I have passed some on to Niki because she loves to bake. I don’t anymore (than I have to). Usually just holidays and then it is usually as close to SB as I can get.
    Love you girl. I really wish we would get to that part of the country some day. I miss you.

    • Magikal Folk

      I was thinking about leaving in From My Kitchen and linking a newly discovered recipe in it actually. 🙂 I even have some that would be acceptable for South Beach. Hope they get the fires under control ~ I hate to think of the mountains burning.

      Thanks Carole…I love and miss you guys too…hopefully one day we can get together again, in either my part or your part of the country.

  • Liz

    A newly discovered recipe would be a wonderful addition. I am always searching for new recipes and ideas. I am glad you spent some quality time with you family. Sounds like a fun day. I love the picture of the squirrel. I sit out on my front stoop and watch the squirrels scamper about. I have yet to take a good photo of them.

    • Magikal Folk

      The squirrels generally scamper about when I open the door but this one was sitting in the tree screaming away….I thought at first a cat was after him/her, but didn’t see one around. Funny thing, after I took the photograph, he/she sat quietly in the tree for a while.