Life In General A Tornado Warning Has Been Issued… April 16, 2011 / These are not black and white images…. Just looked outside ~ scary looking, much darker than these photos. These are fast moving storms…. I hope they do move quickly through our area… I’m requesting they don’t bring along a tornado please.
Gina April 17, 2011 at 5:14 pm Very dramatic Photos. They DO look black and white. We have just watched the morning news and they showed footage of the aftermath of the tornados. I hope that you escaped any damage. Thinking of you.
Magikal Folk April 17, 2011 at 9:06 pm There were some areas that suffered quite a bit of damage but fortunately we were not included. Thanks for keeping us in your thoughts Gina!
Magikal Folk April 18, 2011 at 8:36 pm Thanks Scott…too bad the same storms that brought my skies brought tornados not too far away.
Very dramatic Photos. They DO look black and white. We have just watched the morning news and they showed footage of the aftermath of the tornados. I hope that you escaped any damage. Thinking of you.
Magikal Folk
There were some areas that suffered quite a bit of damage but fortunately we were not included. Thanks for keeping us in your thoughts Gina!
Scott@My Photo Adventures
Great shots of the sky!
Magikal Folk
Thanks Scott…too bad the same storms that brought my skies brought tornados not too far away.