Outside My Window

Outside My Window ~ 7.31.11

Outside my window…is a warm, cloudy morning.  Currently at 10:45 this morning, it feels like 88°F out although the actual temperature is 85°F.  Not too bad outside actually….it is a bit muggy but then it is summer in Hampton Roads ~ muggy and humid is a given for this time of year.  Our forecast high is 90°F and we do have a chance for thunderstorms today and this evening.  I noticed on the weather channel this morning there is a rather large green, orange and red blob moving our way…could be our chance of storms perhaps? This has been one of the hottest summers I can recall in some time.  {do we say that every year?}  This weekend is the first time I have opened up all the blinds in the house in at least a week. I never close the blinds when it is light outside…this was the first year I felt I really needed to though.  It drives me crazy to leave them closed so much of the time but the difference it makes on the inside temperature is amazing.  Yes, I still have the old style windows versus the new and improved insulated type ~ but I do have some wonderful blinds so it does make a difference.  Window replacement is on my list of ‘things to do’ along with more things than I would like to think about right now….so let’s move on.  🙂

I am glad…I had the opportunity to catch Creative Live’s “Lighten Up and Shoot” weekend.  I know I’m all about natural light when I shoot but I’m always looking to learn new things and this weekend did not disappoint. Andy (lighting consultant) and Mikey (photographer) have a very laid back style when it comes to instruction and are easy to understand when some of the technical stuff came into play.  Bonus….they make sure everyone is on the same page by encouraging questions and comments. I generally don’t have the chance to sit and watch the entire class when it is “live” but Creative Live usually gives you an opportunity to watch a replay later that evening when I have some down time and can pay closer attention.  And of course you always have the opportunity to purchase the classes at a special rate via video download during the weekend.  You can purchase past classes on their site as well, but the price goes a bit higher after the class has concluded.  I don’t recall how I stumbled upon these guys but I can say I was glad I did.  Instructional courses on and about photography can be a bit pricey when you factor in the course costs, travel to the location and accommodations….because, well how often does something like this blow into town just around the corner from where you live.  Ummm, in my case…never!  These weekend classes are free and have afforded me the opportunity to expand my knowledge base which will come in handy during photo shoots and when it is time to take my professional photographer’s certification test.  You just have to invest a little of your time….and lots of notebook paper for notes.  🙂

I am thinking…how nice it is to do laundry “before” the sun went down.  I know, doesn’t take much to get me thinking does it?  Seriously, it was hot enough outside…I wasn’t planning on heating up the house any more than I had to so laundry was waiting until 10:00 at night.  Today, it will be done in an hour and I can go to bed at a decent time if I so desire….sweet.

From my kitchen…is another one of those things that change when there is a heat wave baking you like a potato outside….yuk ~ yuk….sorry, I couldn’t resist making a food reference in this paragraph.  🙂  Anyway…what I meant to say is there hasn’t been a lot going on in the kitchen because again….who wants to heat up the house any more than it already was.  Now I’m sitting here thinking all of you must be envisioning me in this tiny little hot box of a house….really, I have been pretty comfortable and cool in the house….people have commented on how good it feels to walk into our house from outside.  For this to happen  I have kept the windows closed, avoided heating up the house with appliances during the hottest time of the day and utilizing my ceiling fans.  I’m all about saving energy any way possible…but I’m also about saving my dollars when the time comes to pay the electric bill.  Many of you may know the official state slogan is “Virginia is for lovers”, but if you have lived in Virginia for a few years, you know the slogan is actually ~   welcome to Virginia, owned and operated by Virginia Power.

I am working on…scanning more old photos.  It is a slow and tedious process…not helped when I delete the processed ones after posting them on the blog.  😐

I am hoping…the images I ordered for others will be here by the middle of next week….there was a bit of a delay that couldn’t be avoided but all is well now.

I am hearing…the ticking of my many clocks….the hum of the refrigerator….the final “Lighten Up and Shoot” class running in the background.  I may be stopping here and there to take some notes during the closing review.

Plans for the week include…tying up loose ends at work before my vacation….unfortunately there are quite a few loose ends to tie up….celebrating my big girls 20th birthday….picking up a couple of rows of film for my old SLR ~ yes, I’m going to shoot some film.  I know it has been a long time but I’m really anxious to give it a go.

One of life’s little pleasures…that single moment in time ~ that “aha” moment, when it all comes together.  I know I have said this before but how can you not enjoy a moment like that. I love to shoot in natural light…I have always disliked the on camera flash and I’m intimidated by an off camera flash.  The class I took this weekend opened up a whole new world to flash photography…one I never really thought I would venture in to. Now I can’t wait to try out what I have learned….of course I will have to wait until I get the gear together but hopefully that won’t take too long.  My biggest “aha” moment during this class…..Genius 2.  A formula for ambient and flash exposure ~ so simple it is…well genius!  🙂

From my camera…playing with the 85…swoon!

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