Outside My Window ~ 10.16.2011
Outside my window…is a beautiful fall morning. It is close to 11:00 this morning and we have blue skies, sunshine and a mild temperature of 64°F. Our forecast high today is 75°F with zero chance of rain. A vastly different forecast than I experienced last Sunday while in Florida. For those who aren’t up on current events, last Sunday I was in Melbourne Beach, Florida were we experienced tropical temperatures along with some howling wind and torrential downpours during the system with no name that moved inland. Quite a ride…but it had all cleared out by Monday morning and we were able to enjoy a little bit of time in the sunshine state. But back to reality and Virginia….our week looks as if Monday and Tuesday will be in the low 80’s during the day and low 60’s at night. We will cool down considerably by Wednesday with our highs only in the low to mid 60’s for the next seven days.
I am thinking about…my trip….things I need to do around here today….the pile of work that I’m certain is waiting for me at work tomorrow and maybe that is the reason I have a slight headache right now.
I am glad…I was able to manage my trip to Florida. It was a wonderful break from day in and day out stuff and allowed me the opportunity to visit with my parents…even though we had just seen each other in August, it was nice to see them again so soon. I’m glad the trip wasn’t as hard on me as I thought it would be…which means I will be planning another. I fell in love with the area and can understand why so many people long to live there.
I am going to…get this published and work on clearing out some clutter in this house…starting with my work area! I have a stack of papers on my desk that for the life of me I can’t figure out where they came from….I just filed a bunch of stuff not so long ago! Notes to my self here and there…photo editing tips scratched out on notes….receipts…bills to pay….recipes I want to try….it all piles up in no time.
I am hearing…the ticking of my many clocks….the hum of the ceiling fan….my fingers clicking across the keyboard….an otherwise quiet house and an equally quiet outside. Kind of a hush all around….everyone must be enjoying the beautiful day and taking it slow.
Plans for the week include…back to work tomorrow and what I’m sure will be a full day…visit the DMV Tuesday morning to take care of some paperwork. and then work at home afterward to help catch up from the previous week off ~ I find I get a lot more done at home without the constant interruptions. Not to mention I have a living room to spread out in…much larger than my desk at work. I will also be working on my vacation photographs…I have posted a few here and here. But be sure…there are more to come.
One of life’s little pleasures…going back to a place you remember as a child and enjoying all the memories that come along with you.
From my camera…there are a lot of images from the trip…I finally got them all downloaded today. I will be posting them throughout the week, but here are a few I took with my point and shoot during the first leg of our trip, taking off from Newport News/Williamsburg International bright and early and flying to Atlanta….
…and a glimpse out of my window when we were approaching Atlanta for a plane change….

Tht’s so funny. I never used to like to fly. But now, Doug makes sure I have a window seat and my camera and I am a happy gal. I love when I can get a shadow of our plane on the clouds and there is a rainbow around it. It has happened a couple times while heading to the south at Christmas time.
Can’t wait to see the rest of them.
Magikal Folk
I’m still not the biggest fan of flying but it is a little easier when there is something to occupy your mind.