Outside My Window ~ 10.23.2011
Outside my window…is another Sunday afternoon coming to a close. It is 5:40 in the early evening here…we still have sunshine and blue skies…a temperature of 61°F…and according to the Weather Channel there is 41 minutes left of daylight. Our forecast low tonight is 48°F…better bring in some of my houseplants that I had taken back outside, that is kind of chilly for them. The sun is setting much earlier ~ if I want to photograph more sunsets I better do so…after daylight savings time kicks in it will be a lot harder to get one. I have some amazing ones to share with you later this week.
I’m thinking about…wishing my brother-in-law a Happy Birthday! He not only saves lives, he can change tires too. Thank you Ron…I hope you have a wonderful birthday!
I am glad…that I am debt free ~ well, except for the house payment. But the other stuff is all gone…paid. It took four years, and I’m not planning on going back. I have discovered I don’t need a lot of the stuff I want. Of course I will still buy a want here and there…but I consider the purchase a lot more than I use too, and that results in less often purchases than when I had credit cards. Next step, some repairs and upgrades to the house this coming spring…if not before.
I’m going to…prepare a chicken recipe I wanted to try and then take it easy for the rest of the evening after I publish this. If the chicken recipe is a good one, I will share it next week.
I’m hearing…the ticking of my many clocks….a scary movie on television ~ I don’t know the name of it, but there are scary movies galore on right before Halloween ~ some good….some not so good….some kind of funny although I don’t think that was their intention….and I’m hearing my stomach growling a little bit.
Plans for the week include…working from home Tuesday morning before my dentist appointment and afterward taking the rest of the day off….finishing off the vacation photo posts…meeting with a soon-to-be mama to discuss a maternity shoot and the subsequent baby shoot soon after….dinner tomorrow evening with my sister and her husband to celebrate his birthday.
From my camera…I have gone back and forth on what to put here tonight. If I put everything I have left, it would be a huge post ~ so I’m not going to do that. I didn’t realize how many were left…I had planned to post them last week, but I was tired each evening. I guess my return to work after vacation wiped me out more than I thought it would. There will probably be two more posts after this and then I will be done with vacation.
These photos, looking down the beach, appear to have a hazy appearance, especially off in a distance. That is not post-processing…this was the first day after three days of tropical weather ~ even though they never named it, it was a tropical storm. You may have noticed it in the photographs posted here. Another beach goer and I were speculating what was causing the air to look this way…a result of the pounding surf for at least three days, and a rather healthy surf that day as well…humidity, which was quite heavy by the way, with a combination of the afternoon heat…sea spray? Maybe a combination of all three. I enjoyed photographing these birds…I think this is the last of them….more scenery with humans is next.

Deb… I like the birds. They are fun and funny to watch.
Magikal Folk
I have always enjoyed photographing birds…and these guys were a hoot to watch and photograph.
Sounds like a good weekend
I like the haziness in the photos and the bird shots are really cool.
Magikal Folk
Sometimes I like the haze…sometimes I want crystal clear in my photographs. This type of haze was kind of puzzling that day though. These birds were quite entertaining….my daughter thought I was going to stay there and shoot them all day!