Outside My Window ~ 10.30.2011
Outside my window…is a cold, dark night. We have weathered through our first big nor’easter of the season ~ nope, no snow for us ~ just rain , wind and not problems. It did get cold last night with a low of 38°F…tonight’s forecast is at 37°F. Currently we are at 41°F and the winds are calm. Tomorrow is calling for partly cloudy with a high of 58°F. We will warm gradually throughout the week up to the mid 60’s by next weekend. The leaves are beginning to turn nicely in the area…I’m thinking I will make another trip to Lake Matoaka on campus to see if I can get an updated image like the one above….perhaps another Crim Dell Pond fall photograph as well. They will be working on the pond to restore it back to its natural state…issues from runoff and fertilizers I suppose…hopefully they haven’t begun yet. You would think I could remember….I typed the purchase order to put the work out for bid. Sigh. Guess when it is one of more than several hundred I do a month they all tend to blur together.
I am glad…I was able to get the Jeep inspected before the end of the month….but I would have been happier if I didn’t have to replace the front brakes to do so. I’m also glad when the battery died in my car it was in my driveway so all I had to do was take it out….buy a new one…pop that one in….and I was done. No stranded in a parking lot at night….no car won’t start at work when it was time to go home….she decided no more right here at home. All I needed to do was wait until this morning when I could use one of my daughter’s cars to make the run to the automotive store. I suspected the battery may be losing power when I had a couple of what seemed to be laborious starts on Friday…last night I was going to run to the drug store for my youngest while she was at work and it was not happening one more time. The gentleman that took it for the exchange at the automotive store was shocked to see it was a 2005 battery and exclaimed that we certainly got our moneys worth with that one. Hopefully my new one will give me many years as well.
I am thinking about…well, Thanksgiving and Christmas actually. I have several ideas rolling around in my head…things I want to do. If I do it right I will be able to make it happen…and that is making the holidays exciting for me.
From my kitchen…is a recipe for that tasty chicken dip I made last weekend. It. was. good. My youngest and I ate quite a bit after I made it….then my oldest discovered it. She finished it up the next night with a friend of hers…who sent me a message and told me she needed the recipe because she was day dreaming about it. It did seem to spice up a bit after it sat in the refrigerator for a day or two. I like spicy food….not necessarily fire alarm hot either. I didn’t think this was overly spicy but you will have to be the judge as to how alter the ingredients. If I had to label it, I would say it was medium….but again, personal tastes come in to play here. The recipe is Buffalo Chicken Dip….check it out….and enjoy.
I am going…to be posting another desktop calendar on Tuesday so be sure to check back. I’m doing it a little different this time and hope to create several different sizes for download rather than just one. I’m also going to work on the photographs I took this evening during a maternity photo shoot. She was a trooper because it was definitely a bit chilly out there. I also have my Halloween post I’m going to post tomorrow.
I am hoping…this isn’t a particularly hard winter for Hampton Roads. I know people have been talking about the snow storm that hit the northeast and the large amounts of snow they received. ‘Tis the season for nor’easters.
I am hearing…the ticking of my many clocks minus one, it needs new batteries….the hum of the refrigerator….The Walking Dead on television ~ an original series on AMC which reminds me of the way horror movies use to be. Granted it is about zombies but there is an actual story and lots of drama….and of course the “good lord, look behind you” moments. I have been a monster movie fan since I was young and this series does not disappoint.
Plans for the week include…work, work, work, work, work….but working at home on Friday so that helps…processing the maternity shoot images….starting to shift the house so I can accommodate the house plants that had to come in and the Christmas tree that will be going up later next month.
One of life’s little moments…is the scent of a cold, fall morning…you can smell winter coming around the corner almost.
From my camera…a fall sunset. I didn’t take this one today…I went into the archives this evening since I’m a little pressed for time. Still nice to look at….