Outside My Window

Outside My Window ~ 11.20.2011

Outside my window…is the close of another weekend….the weekend before Thanksgiving. You wouldn’t know it was this late in November if you were to judge by the weather alone.  Today was beautiful….71°F with sunshine and blue skies.  We are currently at 64°F at 9:30 this evening with a chance for rain later tonight through Wednesday…..a small chance.  Of course I have seen some pretty hard rains when we had a small chance for rain so I guess we will have to wait and see what comes.  Thanksgiving day is forecast to be sunny with highs in the mid 50’s.

I am thinking about…my list of things to pick up and things to do before Thanksgiving.  I’m also going to attempt to put up the tree by the end of the weekend, if not before.  Last year I was a little later than normal putting up my tree and getting the Christmas photograph for my holiday card just didn’t happen.  Trying to get myself and my two girls together all at once proved to be an impossibility ~ well, all together and photo ready at the same time.  My  hope is to get the tree up and photograph taken over the weekend…I’m going to work hard to make that a reality.

I am glad…I woke up fairly early this morning and jumped in to house cleaning right away.  I have the living room ready to move around for the tree right now…I may have even gotten it out of the attic if I wasn’t so drop dead tired at the time.  🙂  I am glad I got all the plants in the house watered today with water from my rain barrels and I even got several bottles ready to carry to work with me tomorrow for the plants in my office.  I know I have beat this drum to death but you just can’t imagine how much better the plants grow with rain water versus tap water….it is night and day.

From my kitchen…was some PF Changs frozen entree’s for dinner tonight…and might I say they were not bad at all…very tasty.   And I’m sorry to report that I have not yet gotten the recipes I want to share with you down on paper yet.  I hope to remedy that very soon.

I am going…to stop by the rehabilitation facility and see my step-father tomorrow evening on my way home from work.  I try to stop by every evening on my way home to see how he is doing and to visit with my mother for a few minutes.  He is doing well however still requires care that a facility offers.  He has been going to physical therapy on a daily basis and is  coming along alright.  We are hoping he is able to go home soon but it doesn’t look like he will be home for Thanksgiving at this time.

I am hearing…the dryer tumbling clothes dry….the ticking of my many clocks….myself yawning.  🙂

Plans for the week include…working from home on Tuesday….off Wednesday, Thursday and Friday…Thanksgiving dinner at my house on Thursday with a visit to see Pop and my mother later that day….NOT going shopping on black Friday….a sweet baby photo shoot with Hazel sometime this week ~ we were going to give it a shot today but it didn’t work out.

One of life’s little moments…is still the same anticipation over the upcoming holidays that I use to get as a little girl.  I still get excited about decorating the house….and enjoying the season.

From my camera…something from the archives…this past Friday was his birthday….I still can hear the way you would say my name….I can still hear your laughter when you would tell a joke….I can still see you walking through the barn yard as I ran to keep up….and I still miss you, after all these years….


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  • Carole

    I love the holidays also. Can’t wait to get the tree up this weekend and the lights up. I really want to replace the lights on the front porch this year but the ones I want are a little extravagant and I really haven’t justified them yet. I am going to purchase a set tomorrow and show Doug to see what he thinks. Make him a deal… put these on the front porch and I will do the rest of the house. Of course, they will not be on the roof! Not much of a deal on my part as that is how it usually goes but we shall see. They are really neat LED lights that look like ice cicles dripping. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

  • Wanda

    I still have not figured out how after supper he would start us kids to racing him to the mail box and back how he always won. It is just normal to think us small skinny kids should have been faster but I do not remember winning the race a single time. I can still remember him asking how on TV they could shoot someone dead this week and they be back next week. He was a great person. He always said he loved us grandkids. Glad to see us come, glad to see us go. I always felt so welcome and loved at their house. I will never forget his and grandmas snore. There are so many happy memories at that old farm. Todays kids miss so much.

    • Magikal Folk

      He may have looked old and slow, but he could move pretty quick! 🙂 There are a lot of happy memories on that old farm….so many adventures….so much exploring….I count myself as so very lucky to have experienced it all.