Outside My Window ~ 12.11.2011
Outside my window…is a pretty frosty evening as we are closing in on 9:00 p.m.. We are currently at 33°F, which is also our forecast low for the evening. Today was sunshine and blue skies but fairly cool with only a high of 45°F. We will gradually build our way up to a high of 60°F by Thursday. I noticed on the weather channel the past couple of days that a lot of places that normally have plenty of snow have barely seen any this year….you wonder if they are going to have a mild winter….or if the worst is yet to come. We generally don’t see snow this early….we have gotten some around the middle of the month and some monster storms right around the holidays or in early January, but usually not a whole lot this early. I wonder if the folks that haven’t gotten all their normal snow yet misses it…or if they are relieved they don’t have to deal with it yet. I love it when it snows a lot here as long as I don’t have to drive in it….I can drive in the snow, I lived in Denver for quite a few years so I have some experience in that arena. However many of the folks that live around here do not….nor is the city equipped to handle significant snow falls because it is not that common place.
I am thinking about…nothing in particular and everything all at once. My mind is switching between over drive of things I want and need to accomplish, family, work….and then sometimes just quiet, relaxing, letting the stress go. It could be the holidays….could be a plethora of things actually.
I am glad…this will be my last week of work until after the first of the year. This is the time I look forward to all year long….I take a few days off right before the college closes down for the holiday. A combination of the days I take and the days we are closed results in a nice break from work….and usually by this time, I am ready for it.
I am going…to keep this a little shorter than normal this evening…still a few things I would like to get accomplished before going to bed….miles to go before I sleep.
I am hearing…the dryer tumbling Cailin’s clothes dry….the ticking of my many clocks….part one of the Stephen King movie “Bag of Bones” on television {this has gotten delayed just because of that ~ I keep watching more than typing here }
Plans for the week include…dentist appointment for my youngest on Monday…..working from home on Tuesday….finalizing an order so I can upload it to my print lab by Tuesday….maybe spending some time playing with a new composite I have in mind. I really enjoyed the learning process when I created my Halloween post ~ if you missed it you can check it out here. I think that composite had close to 50 layers…that is a lot! This new one may surpass that one.
One of life’s little moments…looking forward to Christmas vacation. It is almost like I’m a kid again.
From my camera…sadly I missed the eclipse this past Saturday. Very cloudy and rain Friday with cloudy skies Saturday morning….just enough to ruin the show. Denied once again….but I did get a nice moon shot Thursday evening so I’m happy. I was thinking about snow and went back into the archives…..this is from December 16, 2010.