Outside My Window

Outside My Window ~ 5.6.12

Outside my window…Sunday night….end of the weekend….where did the time go?  The weekend was filled with some wild weather, work and relaxing in between learning.  Friday night came upon us with rumbling thunder, wild and wicked lightening, wind and torrential rains.  The weather forecasters had predicted strong storms but I haven’t seen lightening like that in quite some time.  It was lighting up the neighborhood….explosions of light that made me nervous each and every time they popped.   The storms lasted well into the night.  I woke up early Saturday morning to sunshine and warm temperatures.  There was sunshine with a healthy does of humidity until early afternoon when the clouds moved in and we got more rain showers, lighter and less dramatic than the Friday evening storms.  I was unable to get a shot of the super moon this year due to the cloudy skies Saturday night…..oh well, maybe next year.  This morning was cloudy and cool with the sun making another appearance later this afternoon…we reached a high of 72°F today.  Currently at 9:30, it is partly cloudy and 59°F…the powers that be seem to be determined to keep me from getting a moon shot this time.  😐

I’m thinking about…the images I have to cull through and process from my two photo shoots on Saturday.  I always take one day off before I begin to cull through the images….it seems gives me a better perspective when I have to decide yes or no.  If I look too soon, I can’t decide what to keep and process…and what to let go.

I am glad…I was able to finish the photo shoot with the teething but very happy baby yesterday.  She was perfect yesterday….well, started to get a little worn out at the end but we were wrapping it up by that time.

I am going…to spend some time this week wading through this mountain of information I have accumulated since last weekend.  I’m exploring, researching  and creating several different styles of post processing for my work flow.  I know what I want so I need to create  steps that will help me get it.  I could go into more detail but after explaining what I had been doing to my daughter and my mother and both of them telling me they didn’t know what I was talking about, I’m thinking will just leave it at that.  🙂

I am hearing…the ticking of my many clocks….not hearing the dryer tumbling my clothes ~ guess that means I have some folding to do….the DVD movie No Mercy on the television….an otherwise quiet house.

A recap of last week…saw me realizing my decision not to post every day saved me an evening of grief when my laptop decided one night that it wasn’t going to charge nor was the plug helping.  I discovered the culprit was more than likely the surge protector strip I was using because when I replaced it all was lovely in the world.  On the topics of actually postings, there were only two…..one was the free desktop calendar for the month of May.  There are two of them this month.  I had hoped to add another but that isn’t going to happen this month.  I also posted an image I captured yesterday morning of the James River Bridge.

Plans for the week include…culling and processing the photographs….designing another senior announcement….working from home on Tuesday….squeeze in some work on my sites at some point in time….and finally, celebrate my baby girls 18th birthday this Friday.  Both of them are celebrating milestones this year….my baby will be 18, my oldest will be 21….my how the years flew by.

One of life’s little pleasure…celebrating birthdays with your babies ~ even when they aren’t babies any longer.  🙂

From my camera…a scene from Lion’s Bridge, which is actually a dam….taken yesterday…Conquering the Wild by Anna Hyatt Huntington…

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    • Magikal Folk

      I never got to meet Kari so the impact isn’t as much….but it is hard for me to wrap my head around Niki and Jeni in their 30’s! They can’t be that old….they are still itty bitty girls in my mind. 🙂