Patricia Jean Floyd
November 9, 1952 – August 20, 2011
You told me once….
…..that I was your hero and had given you the courage to do what needed to be done.
… excited you were to become a grandmother.
… scared you were when you had your heart attack.
… much fun you had creating your miniatures.
…..that you never regretted your decision.
… go after my dreams and don’t let anyone stand in my way.
… much you loved to go out dancing again.
…..that he wasn’t the one for me ~ and you were right.
… happy you were with him and how much it broke your heart when he left.
…..that you wanted me to photograph you in your red dress ~ we never got to do that.
You told me each and every time I talked to you that you loved me.
I miss you PJ.

Laura Delegal
Sweet remembrance — sorry about the red dress. Sometimes we just miss the moment.
Magikal Folk
Thanks Laura….we did miss the moment ~ and I think I will miss that always.