Outside My Window

Outside My Window ~ 01.06.2013

outside my window winter 2012

Outside my window…is the end of the first weekend of 2013. Right now at about 10:45 in the evening, we are at 38°F with cloudy skies and calm winds.  Our forecast low for tonight is 35°F and tomorrow will see us with sunshine, blue skies and 48°F tomorrow.  Our temperatures have been seasonal of late…days in the highs in the low to mid 40’s and lows in the low to mid 30’s.  There have been rainy days this past week….I didn’t think we had received that much rain until I was working in the garden this past Saturday and realized how wet the ground still was.  I was able to complete a portion of it but decided to wait until today to give the rest another day to dry out a little more….but then it rained again in the early morning hours today.  Looks like it will have to wait until next weekend…unless the forecast rain for next Friday and Saturday comes to fruition.  Pity because the temperature is forecast at 66°F for this coming Saturday.

I am thinking…that I need to pace myself a bit more when working in the yard.  It all began as  taking the exterior Christmas lights down….and then I decided the vinca in the front garden needed to be cut back….then I decided it needed to go so out came the large, scissor type hedge trimmers and whack, whack, whack ~ it is all cut back.  And then I decided the holly bush had gotten far too large and I needed to trim back some of the bottom branches….this time I needed a saw along with the trimmers.  A lot more sawing than I thought I would need…more trimming will be needed but that will require a ladder but that is for another day. Then there was a lot of bending over, squatting, pulling and racking of weeds.  I need to break these things up a bit more so I don’t feel as if a truck has hit me when I wake up the next morning.  It is probably a good thing it rained this morning because I don’t think I could have done a lot of work today.

I am glad…I got a head start on the garden this year.  It was chilly but once I got busy along with my cups of coffee, it was tolerable.  I decided I didn’t want to be out there when the pollen was in full force pulling weeds and trimming bushes.  If the weather stays reasonable, I can get it out of the way now and there shouldn’t be as much to do when the weather gets warmer.

From my kitchen…is a few new things I will share with you however I do not have the recipes together to share.  Coming soon…..

I am hoping…that this next week isn’t the longest week ever at work.  I worked two days last week and it felt like five….and I wasn’t the only one that felt that way.  The one major draw back of having so much time off at once I suppose.  There was far more work than I anticipated so I will be nose to the grindstone for some time to get caught up.

I am hearing…the ticking of my many clocks…the dog snoring on the couch….an other wise quiet house.

A recap of last week…includes my New Year’s Eve post….the free desktop calendars for January….Wordless Wednesdaya gift from a friend…dinner and a movie night….and working on some food shots.  I may or may not be attempting to do a post a day….I haven’t decided.  🙂

Plans for the week…include working from home on Tuesday….perhaps more work on the gardens outside and at some point I need to tackle the leaves in the backyard too.  Sigh.

One of life’s little pleasures…standing back after working hard and enjoying a job well done.

From my camera…a final look at Christmas 2012…


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    • Magikal Folk

      I wasn’t quite ready to say goodbye to Christmas either Gina, but since I had to go back to work I usually take it down the day before I do. I did leave my outside lights up for another week…I love driving up to the house and seeing it all lit up but those also came down this past weekend. Until next year I suppose. 🙂

  • Cecil

    One reason the ground stays so wet this time of year is not only the amount of rain .. but these are the shortest says of the years with the sun lowest in the sky .. not a lot of drying time in between rains. The chills at night just freeze and thaw over and over .. not much evaporating 🙂 .. Just curious .. is the snow covered scene ‘outside your window’ literally outside your back window? It resembles your back porch as I remember it. It wasn’t taken this winter .. was it?

    • Magikal Folk

      Yes it is taken outside the back sliding door….the window is an overlay I use on several photographs during the year for different seasons. This was taken December 26, 2010 when we had the huge snow.

      I did notice how low the sun was in the sky as I was working that morning…it was odd that I did because that isn’t something I would typically notice, just took the time that day and it registered. 🙂