That was then…..
…..and this is now…… I got my photo!
Once Upon A Time In The Snow
This is an image of the girls playing in the snow on January 3rd, 2002….during a snow storm much like the one that is suppose to arrive tonight. This was taken with an old digital point and shoot camera a friend let me use. No frills on this camera ~ I think it may have even been one of the first ones out when it was new! I wonder if they will let me get another photo like this tomorrow during the storm?
Driver Number 2
How can something this sweet looking be such a scary driver?!?!? We are going on actual roads tomorrow ~ I may be self medicating afterwards!!
Against The Wind…
I took this photo of my oldest daughter in late November. We were at the boat docks in the early afternoon as a storm was blowing in. It was very windy, very cold….so she turned her back against the wind. I was a bit further down the pier taking photos when I turned around and saw this shot. After downloading this image and processing it, I titled it “Against The Wind”. The name came to me as I looked at it…her back to the wind, the sunshine versus the storm clouds….it reminded me of the song Against The Wind by Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band…..specifically the chorus…. Against the wind We were…
Yet Another Step….
My big girl took yet another step towards becoming an adult…..she finally found her first job. I was worried about her getting one actually…..I didn’t let her work while she was in school, I thought it was more important she concentrate on her school work rather than worry with an after school job. When she graduated, she decided she didn’t want to go back to school right away, but wanted to work and get some “real world” experience. While I would like to see her further her education, it is ultimately her decision and I will respect whatever she decides. I have given her my opinion on the matter, now…
Road Trip ~ Part II ~ The New Place
My parents ~ fondly known as Papa and Nina since the grandchildren came along ~ have lived in many places. My father’s work and family circumstances made the many moves necessary. The closest to me was Asheville, North Carolina….the furthest was Saudia Arabia. They have declared this their last move, they have found their dream home. It was built by a custom builder for him and his family. Although it may look quite large……it really isn’t. It is a spacious home….but not overly so. What makes this home so nice is the little amenities they put in that you wouldn’t normally find in a house of this size. They had just moved in and…
Road Trip ~ Part I
While it has been a month since I took my trip to South Carolina, I have yet to post my photos from the trip as I promised. I thought I should break it up into different posts because there are quite a few photos I would like to share with you. When I planned the trip, I decided I wanted to take a road less traveled to the interstate. Well, actually the road is a four lane route and fairly well traveled, but it takes you through Suffolk, Franklin and Emporia. There are a few other smaller towns in between these that require you to slow down to 35 mph when…
Greetings From Catawba, South Carolina
I woke early this morning so I could enjoy the beauty of a Catawba sunrise….as reddish orange as the clay that blankets the land. This is a beautiful location……serene and quiet. I’m relaxing on the spacious back porch of my father’s house. …….hummingbirds ……. and an American Goldfinch……. Morning coffee with the folks…….relaxing……..visiting……enjoying life right now.
Today Is Her Birthday
Eighteen years ago today, I finally understood the real meaning of unconditional love……a love that envelopes your very being…….a love that really cannot be put into words. Eighteen years ago today, as I held my sweet baby in my arms for the first time, I felt it rush over my body like an ocean wave as tears of ultimate joy ran down my face. I had loved people in my life….my parents, my siblings, my extended family….a few boyfriends and at the time, my ex-husband. I loved my baby girl as she kicked and squirmed inside of me all those long months, but when I actually held her in my arms, it…
Catawba, South Carolina
I’m online this afternoon Googling Catawba, South Carolina for our upcoming trip. My father and step-mother have just moved to this area, and while I know it is relatively close to Charlotte, North Carolina…..and they have a new home to explore….that is about all I know about it. I have never spent much time in South Carolina…..generally driving through it to go somewhere else….so this will be a new experience for me. I have discovered the Catawba Indian Nation is in Catawba. Isn’t that convenient since their names are the same!
It is home to a group of Native American potters…..in fact one that has supposedly survived for…