• Gardens,  Miscellaneous

    Wild Violets

    Did you know that wild violets are considered a weed?  It is classified as difficult to control because it has waxy leaves, an extensive root system and is fairly resistant to weed killers.   Actually, I’m very happy they are so resistant because  look how pretty!  🙂   Not many people actively plant weeds in their garden ~ now you can say you know someone who does.

  • Gardens,  Life In General

    I Miss Flowers

    This flower image is one I took with my point and shoot last May.  It is from my aunt’s amazing garden at her home in North Carolina.  It is much larger than my outstretched hand ~ and I have big hands!  I took some photos Wednesday afternoon with my new camera and wasn’t happy with any of the shots.   As I was trying to decide what I wanted to post,  I ran across this image and couldn’t help but think….I miss flowers.  I’m really looking forward to spring.

  • Gardens,  Life In General,  Miscellaneous

    Morning Glories

    Kate from  A Picture a Day and Chronicles of a Country Girl has been experimenting with collages recently.  She has inspired me to post one of my own……a small collection of my morning glories.  I have taken these at various times.  If you click on the image, you will get a  larger view.  Check out the flower in the upper left ~ I didn’t even notice the spider/cob web surrounding that flower until I began to process it.  I wasn’t actually that close when I took the photo so I missed it during the actual shot.  I thought it looked pretty cool.    Don’t you like it when you get unexpected surprises after taking a…

  • Gardens,  Life In General

    Red, White, Blue with a little bit of Yellow & Orange

    Yippy Skippy….my largest tomato finally started turning red today!  I was beginning to wonder if it was ever going to turn and at the same time deciding if there was such a thing as a healthy fried green tomato.  We had another round of thunderstorms this afternoon and as I often do when I get home from work after a round of storms, I check to see if “everyone” survived in the garden.  I was thrilled to see this flash of red on an otherwise green bush! I applied CoffeeShop Vivid Action on this photo……yes, I’m still having way too much fun with these actions.  For my white selection, I have a…

  • Gardens,  Life In General,  Miscellaneous

    Sunflowers ~ CoffeeShop Orton Style

    I was trying out some different CoffeeShop Actions today during my lunch hour and came up with this…….. I took this photo this morning as the sun was cresting over the rooftops.  The sunflowers were heavy with the rain from last night, and there were a few more new blooms.  I created this effect using the CoffeeShop Orton action for PhotoShop Elements.   I like the way it softens the image.  The actions are very easy to use, and I like how Rita has designed it so you have the ability to adjust levels if you so desire.   I’m having too much fun with these…. and so much more to explore.

  • Gardens,  Life In General,  Miscellaneous

    One Wedding and Sunflowers

    Happy Saturday to you all!  If you want to see the best wedding march I have seen, check out this link….sorry, I haven’t quite figured out the embedding so you will have to click and leave me for a few minutes….. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-94JhLEiN0 So you’re back now…..wasn’t that a hoot!  😀 I also have some more sunflowers to show you……..yes, yes, I know you have seen them before ~ but not these!  😉           If you click on the image, you can see a larger size of it….or you can check out all my sunflowers at The Great Sunflower Project set I have set up on Flickr.  Click on the smaller…

  • Gardens,  Life In General,  Miscellaneous

    Sunshine and Sunflowers

    When I came home Tuesday afternoon, I discovered my neighbor had removed a tree that had blocked the sun from my garden area for a decent portion of the day.  She had talked about taking it down but said she wasn’t going to do so until next year.  Now my sunflowers are getting pretty much all day sun, and they are loving it……. As with all my photos now, if you click on the photo, it will take you to another page to see a much larger image.  In this particular photo, if you look real close over the middle bloom, you can see the moon…..teeny tiny, but still there. …

  • Gardens,  Life In General

    First Bloom

    I couldn’t help but take this photo this morning before leaving for work….my first bloom has totally opened up, glistening with drops of last nights rains. Isn’t it beautiful?  Remember I said how much the plants have grown…..in order to take this photo, I had to stand on my tiptoes with my arms extended over my head hoping I had it centered.  I’m seriously going to need a ladder to get photos of some of the other ones when they bloom!!  🙂 Thanks to the Great Sunflower Project for the seeds so that I may grow these beauties….I will soon be bee watching in my yard.

  • Gardens

    Saturday Snapshots

    I worked outside most of the day today…….pulling up lots of grass that suddenly appeared in the corner garden and tackling the front garden.  I thought I would share some photos with you……. This is the corner garden I triumphantly removed the stump from several weeks back.  The jasmine plant I put here is doing well…..loving the new home.  And the violets too.  Bottom right corner you can see the sunflowers.  Here is another shot…… These are the sunflowers I planted from the seeds I received from The Great Sunflower Project I had posted earlier.  I hope some of you sent off for them and yours are growing too.  And check…