Free April 2013 Desktop Calendar
I’m having a block on the calendar this month….nothing seems to be working for me. I do have one for you this evening….I hope to have more tomorrow…. To download a zip file of this calendar, click here. There are six high resolution images available so you can select the one that best fits your screen. Click the link and choose “save” or “save as”. Make sure you take note where the file is saved. After the download is complete, go to your saved zip file, extract the files by right clicking the downloaded file and selecting “extract all”….choose a location or accept the location the computer suggests {make sure you…
Patriotic Colors
In Less Than 30 Days
One Sunny Morning
“I am prepared to die, but there is no cause for which I am prepared to kill.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi From the 104th Floor A Poem by Leda Rodis When the plane hit the building rocked first to the right then to the left, and outside all the skyscrapers of New York seemed to tremble. The alarms screamed louder than we did, and I knew it was time to get away. It’s funny what you notice: a pen rolling across the floor my screen saver flicker and go off a picture of you and me at Coney Island. So much to leave behind. And yet so little. Running down the hall I remembered my mother taking me to…
Home Again
Home from my trip…a wonderful time but after my drive, I’m quite tired.
Life According to Wacom
Photo editing and creating composites just got easier…life is good.
This beautiful cedar…covered in snow one winter…grew right beside where my car is parked each day. Full….green….at least 10 feet high….beautiful. And today…. ….the crime scene. It was gone ~ someone complained? I parked right next to it….every day. It didn’t bother me….but someone complained about it. So it is gone. I hope no one complains about me any time soon.
Did it again….
…daylight savings time always messes up my internal clock….always. See you tomorrow with Outside My Window.
Stay Tuned…
I’m working on another composite…not quite finished yet….stay tuned. Insert Random Photograph Here
First Snow
Our first snow of the season….and it was thunder snow.