• Miscellaneous

    Low Tide

    I processed this image with two Shadowhouse Creations textures in PSE7.  First I used Ghostly multiplied at 85% and Arctic Chill as an overlay at 100%.   I like to take a lot of photos in an area I call the “boat docks” near my mother’s house.  Truth be known, it is actually comprised of several small fishing and walking piers and a place to launch your boat into the river.  It isn’t anything extravagant ~ and if you didn’t know the area, you wouldn’t even realize there was a dock at the end of the road.  One of the main roads to my mother’s house  dead ends at this place on the Warwick River.  The reason I love to come here is the…

  • Miscellaneous

    Working With Textures

    I have been playing around with textures more when I process my photos.  I’m still quite new at it, but I’m having a good time learning.  The above texture on the Buckroe Lighthouse was compliments of Shadowhouse Creations.  Jerry, aka SkeletalMess, is so very talented and creates some amazing textures.  Bonus ~ they are all free!  Stop by and visit his site…..and while you are there, be sure to check out some of his art work….fabulous!!  🙂  

  • Life In General,  Miscellaneous

    A New Year

    The year 2009 is a memory.  Was it a good year….a bad year….many people will be debating that question in the months and possibly years to come.  Now there is a New Year…a new decade…a new beginning.  Each new year brings a clean slate ~ a chance to start fresh, begin new things, forget bad habits, improve yourself and your life.  Resolutions are made and everything is within reach on this first day of the shiny New Year.  I enjoy numerology so on this first day of January, I determined what my personal year is and its influence.  In numerology, the world turns in nine year cycles….in 2010, my personal year…

  • Miscellaneous,  Outside My Window

    Outside My Window ~ 12.20.09

    Outside My Window…is snow!  We got our first snow of the season last night.  I would say we got about 1 1/2 to  2 inches in my neighborhood.  It started snowing about the time we went to the mall to pick Alanna up from work.  By the time we got to our house, it was coming down at a pretty good rate.  Right now at 11:30 am, we are at our high temperature of 37F with a 28F wind chill.  The snow has melted for the most part on the roadways and is starting to melt in the grassy areas of full sun.  I took a few photos last night and this morning ~ I know,…

  • Life In General,  Miscellaneous

    Oh Christmas Tree……

    I’m home today……..my youngest daughter is not feeling well.  She was running a fever this morning and said she had awaken earlier in the morning with chills.  She is old enough to stay alone if she wants to, but this morning she said she didn’t want to be alone today.  It was my first clue that she really doesn’t feel good, so off came my work clothes and made the call to my supervisor.  I took the opportunity to get some photos of our Christmas tree.  This tree was purchased by my dearest friend David (from California) when he visited one year.  It was during the Thanksgiving holidays and I brought my trusty old…

  • Life In General,  Miscellaneous

    Something Fun

    Have you ever imagined how you would look dressed as a Jedi Knight from the Star Wars saga?  No….OK, not everyone imagines those types of things….but how about your image on the side of a building or billboard?  What about a magazine cover?  I ran across this site a few days ago…..all you need is a photo to download and a click of your mouse to see…..  Yourself as graffiti art……. Or a work of art……. As you see…..you can also save the images you create.  Go. Create.  Have Fun.  😉  

  • Miscellaneous

    December 7th

    Many years ago when I lived in Denver and my parents lived in Texas……..I had the opportunity to visit Oahu, Hawaii with my step-mother.  I had traveled some in my life, but never outside the mainland.  This  was a wondrous trip……a trip of a lifetime!  The beaches of Oahu were pristine, the color of the water was something I had never seen in all my years of living on the East coast.  We toured the island in a rental car…..took a catamaran tour out into the ocean where I was able to jump in and take a swim.  There were so many beautiful sites…..Diamond Head….the beaches of the North Shore….Waikiki……..the lush…

  • Life In General,  Miscellaneous

    Give Aways

    Not too long ago, I participated in a give away hosted by Mary at The Provident Woman…..and I was one of the winners!  I can no longer say “I never win anything”.    🙂  My goodies arrived today…….what a wonderful box it was too.  Mary and her husband raise bees, and the winners of their giveaway won products created in their home……..this little one was full of the sweetest and so very tasty honey…… I can’t imagine what it would be like to have fresh honey any time you wanted.    This tag was included to explain the contents, and these colorful little jewels are honey sticks…….. Something to keep your lips soft…