What Shall Be…
The future is just as much a condition of the present as is the past. ‘What shall be and must be is the ground of that which is’. Friedrich Nietzsche, quoting Zarathustra, Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Progress Stalled
I began to work on my handbag camera bag when I ran into a snag. It seems the Velcro I had for attaching the dividers was the wrong type for the material I am using. Back to the drawing board….or I should say back to the store to pick up something different. I have all the foam sized and cut for the inside….I have the material cut for the foam covering. I can’t cover the foam until I get the new Velcro because some will have to be sewn on before I cover the foam. Sigh….progress stalled.
Outside My Window ~ 9.19.10
Outside My Window…is a beautiful morning…again. At 11:15, the temperature is 75ºF with blue skies and sunshine….again. Our forecast high today is 83ºF with sunshine all day long….zero chance of rain….again. I’m sure those of you have have experienced a wet summer, or even a different season, have a hard time understanding how very tired I am of the heat and lack of rain. I love sunshine….but I also love rain too. I love to sit and listen to the rain, I love to walk or run in the rain. I like to have a nice combination of the two…sunny days, rainy days. The surplus of rain we gained last fall has long…
Afternoon Visitor
I was sitting in the backyard one afternoon recently when I was joined by this little guy. He was quite brave….. ….or very hungry.
This plant was just sticks coming out of the soil when I put it outside this summer. It came back to life sitting outside…. I love it when that happens.
Beating The Clock
I have managed a post a day for the last 8 months and 10 days… almost blew it tonight….beating the clock to midnight right now.
Mad With Joy
“People from a planet without flowers would think we must be mad with joy the whole time to have such things about us.” ~ Iris Murdoch
Summerizing :: summer in review
Even though summer is fighting to hang on…the light has changed from a harsh summer glare to softer, golden tones of early autumn, the temperatures at night are just a bit cooler and there is a definite feeling of change in the air. I’m joining my friend Ella at lifeologia.com and “Summerizing” my summer.
What is the best memory of this summer for you? I don’t think I can pick just one memory……I have many. There were no extraordinary plans for the summer ~ I expected a very quiet one actually. And for the most part, that is what it was. What is the one event you looked forward to the most?…
As Promised….
I had made myself a promise that I was going to finish various things I have started recently. One being the trunk I bought last year at a garage sale. I really didn’t like the trunk as it was…..one of my daughters thought it was alright….the other had no real opinion. Me ~ I had specific ideas for that trunk when I bought it ~ it has just taken a while for it to come to fruition. It still isn’t quite complete, but moving along. I wanted to show you before and after……. Before…..brown with a yucky plastic liner. I ventured to guess this had been stuck away in some one’s garage for…
Wordless Wednesday ~ Mama’s Little Helper