Greetings From Catawba, South Carolina
I woke early this morning so I could enjoy the beauty of a Catawba sunrise….as reddish orange as the clay that blankets the land. This is a beautiful location……serene and quiet. I’m relaxing on the spacious back porch of my father’s house. …….hummingbirds ……. and an American Goldfinch……. Morning coffee with the folks…….relaxing……..visiting……enjoying life right now.
Red, White, Blue with a little bit of Yellow & Orange
Yippy Skippy….my largest tomato finally started turning red today! I was beginning to wonder if it was ever going to turn and at the same time deciding if there was such a thing as a healthy fried green tomato. We had another round of thunderstorms this afternoon and as I often do when I get home from work after a round of storms, I check to see if “everyone” survived in the garden. I was thrilled to see this flash of red on an otherwise green bush! I applied CoffeeShop Vivid Action on this photo……yes, I’m still having way too much fun with these actions. For my white selection, I have a…
Outside My Window ~ 7.12.09
Outside My Window…actually, I am sitting on my back patio ‘outside my window’……errr, sliding glass doors. I have finished my 2.25 run on this beautiful, 78 degree, fairly muggy morning. And oh yes, it was hot when I was running. As I said, I am now in my tiny backyard enjoying a cup of blackberry sage iced tea (in my cool Catalina Island cup ~ ahhhh, Avalon ~ thanks Doo!) as I cool down. I thought “why not” sit out here and do my thing because after the run this morning, it actually feels nice and cool sitting here.
I am thinking…why a couple of my tomato leaves on…
A Run Through The Neighborhood….
One of the nice things about running through your neighborhood is the sites you see……the different flowers, different wildlife, different ways people landscape their yards, and of course the people. There is a couple (he is a massage therapist and personal trainer, she is a teacher) that gets up early and run….some mornings they are sitting on their porch enjoying a beverage afterwards and are always quick to shout “hello, how are you” and “you’re looking good, keep up the great work” as I run past. A little encouragement never hurt anyone! During my run this morning, I was thinking about what kind of post I could do today….and I thought why not…
Another Tuesday morning run……with something a little different
This morning I was out the door bright and early for my run. It was about 15 minutes before many of the other runs of late, so it was still fairly dark outside, about a half an hour before sunrise. The birds were awake and singing their welcome to the new morning. Their songs were beautiful, and almost deafening. It was as if they were all trying to out-sing each other. I saw many robin redbreasts along my route……many of them in the street, scurrying or flying off as I approached. I could pick out the soft cooing of the morning dove and the loud cackle of the blue jay. I’m sure…
Outside My Window ~ 4.19.09
Outside My Window…partly sunny at the moment, but more clouds are expected to build throughout the day. It is about 60 degrees right now with a forecasted high of 71. Oddly enough, our air quality is “good”……..I would think with all the pollen coating everything, not so much in the good range. If you want to get an idea of what I’m talking about, I posted a couple of photos of my Jeep coated in pollen on my blog yesterday ~ “Welcome to Virginia“. I am thinking…about all the things I want to get accomplished today. It is quite a list so I’m hopeful I can get through most…