Life In General,  Miscellaneous

A Run Through The Neighborhood….

One of the nice things about running through your neighborhood is the sites you see……the different flowers, different wildlife, different ways people landscape their yards, and of course the people.  There is a couple (he is a massage therapist and personal trainer, she is a teacher) that gets up early and run….some mornings they are sitting on their porch enjoying a beverage afterwards and are always quick to shout  “hello, how are you” and “you’re looking good, keep up the great work” as I run past.  A little encouragement never hurt anyone!

During my run this morning, I was thinking about what kind of post I could do today….and I thought why not a pictorial run through my neighborhood.  So after my run, I picked up my camera and went back out……

Now, it is hazy and muggy this morning…..the air is heavy with moisture, but I didn’t think it was so hazy that it would show on the photos.  After I took this shot, I realized my camera lens had fogged up coming from the cool indoors to the muggy outdoors……..but I thought this foggy lens closeup of the mimosa blooms was pretty cool, so I have included it in my walking tour.

Misty Mimosa

I couldn’t help but admire the strength of this tree to survive…….it has been hacked off, soil removed from all around it, and possibly some root damage as well……..yet look at all the little green shoots coming from it.   Sometimes the will to survive can be strong, even in nature…

Struggling to survive

I have voted this mailbox Cutest On The Block……

cutest on the block

Look at this awesome rock cairn…..

Awesome Rock Cairn

Black-eyed Susan in this yard……

black eyed susan

And blue hydrangea in this one…..with a special appearance by Robin Redbreast….. 🙂

Blue Hydrangea

A shelter for fairies in this one……..

Fairy Shelter

The neighborhood lake with mimosa blooms floating on the water……

neighborhood lake

A mimosa bloom closeup……..with a clear lens this time  🙂

mimosa closeup

And a raspberry colored hydrangea…….

raspberry hydrangea

A young robin……

Young Robin

…….learning to fly……

Learning to Fly

My sunflower plants reaching for the sun……..

Growing Tall

And finally………a welcome porch…….

welcome door

What kinds of sites do you see in your neighborhood?

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