Outside My Window ~ 7.31.11
Outside my window…is a warm, cloudy morning. Currently at 10:45 this morning, it feels like 88°F out although the actual temperature is 85°F. Not too bad outside actually….it is a bit muggy but then it is summer in Hampton Roads ~ muggy and humid is a given for this time of year. Our forecast high is 90°F and we do have a chance for thunderstorms today and this evening. I noticed on the weather channel this morning there is a rather large green, orange and red blob moving our way…could be our chance of storms perhaps? This has been one of the hottest summers I can recall in some time. {do we say that every year?} This…
Things that made me smile this week…
Visitors….and color in the garden…. ….an aromatic harvest…. ….dusting off the old SLR to shoot some film…. ….loving antique ovenware ~ a gift from my great grandmother to my mother on her wedding day…. ….and finally, my 85mm….swoon…. What made you smile this week?
Wordless Wednesday